Discrete differential geometry (Basel, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDiscrete differential geometry / Bobenko A.I. et al. - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008. - 337 p. - ISBN 3764386207

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface.......................................................... v

Part I:
Discretization of Surfaces: Special Classes and
Parametrizations ................................................ 1

Surfaces from Circles
   by Alexander I. Bobenko ...................................... 3

Minimal Surfaces from Circle Patterns: Boundary Value Problems,
   by Ulrike Bucking ........................................... 37

Designing Cylinders with Constant Negative Curvature
   by Ulrich Pinkall ........................................... 57

On the Integrability of Infinitesimal and Finite Deformations
of Polyhedral Surfaces
   by Wolfgang K. Schief, Alexander I. Bobenko and
   Jim Hoffmann................................................. 67

Discrete Hashimoto Surfaces and a Doubly Discrete Smoke-Ring Flow
   by Tim Hoffmann ............................................. 95

The Discrete Green's Function
   by Yuri B. Suris ........................................... 117

Part II:
Curvatures of Discrete Curves and Surfaces..................... 135

Curves of Finite Total Curvature
   by John M. Sullivan ........................................ 137

Convergence and Isotopy Type for Graphs of Finite Total Curvature
   by Elizabeth Denne and John M. Sullivan .................... 163

Curvatures of Smooth and Discrete Surfaces
   by John M. Sullivan ........................................ 175

Part III:
Geometric Realizations of Combinatorial Surfaces .............. 189

Polyhedral Surfaces of High Genus
   by Giinter M. Ziegler ...................................... 191

Necessary Conditions for Geometric Realizability of Simplicial
   Complexes by Dagmar Timmreck ............................... 215

Enumeration and Random Realization of Triangulated Surfaces
   by Frank H. Lutz ........................................... 235

On Heuristic Methods for Finding Realizations of Surfaces
   by Jiirgen Bokowski ........................................ 255

Part IV:
Geometry Processing and Modeling with Discrete Differential
Geometry ...................................................... 261

What Can We Measure?
   by Peter Schroder .......................................... 263

Convergence of the Cotangent Formula: An Overview
   by Max Wardetzky ........................................... 275

Discrete Differential Forms for Computational Modeling
   by Mathieu Desbrun, Eva Kanso and Yiying Tong .............. 287

A Discrete Model of Thin Shells
   by Eitan Grinspun .......................................... 325

Index ......................................................... 339

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