DDemonstratio Mathematica. Vol. 41, N 3 (Warszawa, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDemonstratio Mathematica. Vol. 41, N 3. - Warszawa: Warsaw University of Technology, 2008. - P. 491-732. - ISSN 0420-1213

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Оглавление / Contents
   I. CHAJDA, M. KOLAŘÍK, H. LÄNGER: Characterizations
of posets via weak states ................................. 491-496

   CHANG BUM KIM, HEE SIK KIM: On BG-algebras ............. 497-505

   M. KHARE, S. GUPTA: Relations between various
continuity concepts in effect algebras .................... 507-518

   J. KALINOWSKI: On preservers of determinant over a
field ..................................................... 519-524

   A. FOŠNER, M. FOŠNER, J. VUKMAN: An identity with
derivations on rings and Banach algebras .................. 525-530

   V.B.L. CHAURASIA, S.C. PANDEY: Unified elliptic-type
integrals and asymptotic formulas ......................... 531-541

   E.G. KIR'YATSKII: Distortion theorems in the class
Kn(D) ..................................................... 543-549

class of analytic functions associated with a
convolution structure ..................................... 551-559

   M.K. AOUF: Neighbourhoods of certain p-valently
analytic functions defined by using Salagean operator ..... 561-570

   J. BRANDYS: Strong maximum principles for infinite
systems of parabolic differential-functional
inequalities with nonstandard initial inequalities
with integrals ............................................ 571-581

   E. JABLOŃSKA: One-to-one solutions of a generalized  
Golfita-Schinzel equation ................................. 583-588

   J. SCHWAIGER, W. PRAGER: Polynomials in additive
functions and generalized polynomials ..................... 589-613

   Y. BOLAT: Oscillation criteria for second-order
functional difference equation with neutral terms ......... 615-625

   B. SATCO: Global solutions for Volterra ordinary and
retarded integral equations ............................... 627-637

   S.S. DRAGOMIR, D. COMANESCU: On the Torricellian
point in inner product spaces ............................. 639-650

Approximation of common fixed points of a family of
asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mappings ................ 651-659

   A. FARÉS, B. DE MALAFOSSE: Spectra of the
operator of the first difference in sα, s0α;, s(c)α; and
lp(α) (1 ≤ p < ∞) and application to matrix
transformations ........................................... 661-676

   U.C. DE, A. SARKAR: On three-dimensional locally
ø-recurrent  quasi-Sasakian manifolds ..................... 677-684

   T. NOIRI, V. POPA: On some forms of weakly continuous
functions in bitopo-logical spaces ........................ 685-700

   J. KUREK, W.M. MIKULSKI: The natural affinors on
the r-th order frame bundle ............................... 701-704

   M. DUDZIŃSKI, K. FURMAŃCZYK: On the almost sure
central limit theorems in the joint version for the
maxima and minima of some random variables ................ 705-722

   A. RAFIQ, N.A. MIR., F. ZAFAR: A generalized
Ostrowski type inequality for a random variable whose
probability density function belongs to L∞[a, b] .......... 723-732

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