Wnuk W. Banach lattices with order continuous norms (Warsaw, 1999). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Выставка новых поступлений  |  Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки СО РАН : 2003 | 2006 |2008
ОбложкаWnuk W. Banach lattices with order continuous norms. - Warsaw: PWN, 1999. - 127 p. - ISBN 83-01-12927-1

Место хранения: 013 | Институт математики СО РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 9

Chapter 0
Preliminaries .................................................. 11
   0.1. Basic properties of vector lattices .................... 11
   0.2. Special subspaces of vector lattices and some types
        of vector lattices ..................................... 15
   0.3. Order bounded operators ................................ 19
   0.4. Normed and Banach lattices ............................. 25
   0.5. Classical sequence Banach lattices ..................... 33
   0.6. Locally solid vector lattices .......................... 40

Chapter 1
The notion of order continuity and its characterizations by
order properties ............................................... 43

Chapter 2
Characterizations of order continuity by properties of
functionals .................................................... 66

Chapter 3
Order type characterizations of dual Banach lattices with
order continuous norms ......................................... 70

Chapter 4
Order continuity as a topological invariant .................... 73

Chapter 5
Operator characterizations of order continuity ................. 83

Chapter 6
Discrete and continuous Banach lattices with order
continuous norms ............................................... 91

Chapter 7
KB-spaces ..................................................... 101

Chapter 8
Reflexive Banach lattices ..................................... 112

Remarks on other characterizations ............................ 117

References .................................................... 119

List of symbols ............................................... 124

Index ......................................................... 126

Выставка новых поступлений  |  Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки СО РАН : 2003 | 2006 |2008

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