Toen B. Homotopical algebraic geometry II: geometric stacks and applications (Providence, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаToën B. Homotopical algebraic geometry II: geometric stacks and applications / Toën B., Vezzosi G. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2008. - 224 p. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 193, N 902). - ISBN 9780821840993

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Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ....................................................... ix

Introduction .................................................... 1
Reminders on abstract algebraic geometry ........................ 1
The setting ..................................................... 2
Linear and commutative algebra in a symmetric monoidal model
category ........................................................ 2
Geometric stacks ................................................ 3
Infinitesimal theory ............................................ 4
Higher Artin stacks (after C. Simpson) .......................... 4
Derived algebraic geometry: D¯-stacks ........................... 4
Complicial algebraic geometry: D-stacks ......................... 6
Brave new algebraic geometry: S-stacks .......................... 6
Relations with other works ...................................... 7
Acknowledgments ................................................. 8
Notations and conventions ....................................... 9

Part 1. General theory of geometric stacks ..................... 11

Introduction to Part 1 ......................................... 13

Chapter 1.1. Homotopical algebraic context ..................... 15

Chapter 1.2. Preliminaries on linear and commutative algebra
in an HA context ............................................... 25
1.2.1. Derivations and the cotangent complex ................... 25
1.2.2. Hochschild homology ..................................... 29
1.2.3. Finiteness conditions ................................... 30
1.2.4. Some properties of modules .............................. 35
1.2.5. Formal coverings ........................................ 36
1.2.6. Some properties of morphisms ............................ 37
1.2.7. Smoothness .............................................. 41
1.2.8. Infinitesimal lifting properties ........................ 41
1.2.9. Standard localizations and Zariski open immersions ...... 43
1.2.10. Zariski open immersions and perfect modules ............ 47
1.2.11. Stable modules ......................................... 49
1.2.12. Descent for modules and stable modules ................. 54
1.2.13. Comparison with the usual notions ...................... 57

Chapter 1.3. Geometric stacks: Basic theory .................... 61
1.3.1. Reminders on model topoi ................................ 61
1.3.2. Homotopical algebraic geometry context .................. 65
1.3.3. Main definitions and standard properties ................ 76
1.3.4. Quotient stacks ......................................... 80
1.3.5. Quotient stacks and torsors ............................. 83
1.3.6. Properties of morphisms ................................. 86
1.3.7. Quasi-coherent modules, perfect modules and vector
       bundles ................................................. 88

Chapter 1.4. Geometric stacks: Infinitesimal theory ............ 97
1.4.1. Tangent stacks and cotangent complexes .................. 97
1.4.2. Obstruction theory ..................................... 105
1.4.3. Artin conditions ....................................... 109

Part 2. Applications .......................................... 121

Introduction to Part 2 ........................................ 123

Chapter 2.1. Geometric n-stacks in algebraic geometry
(after C. Simpson) ............................................ 129
2.1.1. The general theory ..................................... 129
2.1.2. Comparison with Artin's algebraic stacks ............... 132

Chapter 2.2. Derived algebraic geometry ....................... 135
2.2.1. The HA context ......................................... 135
2.2.2. Flat, smooth, etale and Zariski open morphisms ......... 139
2.2.3. The HAG context: Geometric D¯-stacks ................... 151
2.2.4. Truncations ............................................ 154
2.2.5. Infinitesimal criteria for smooth and etale
       morphisms .............................................. 159
2.2.6. Some examples of geometric D¯-stacks ................... 164 Local systems ................................. 164 Algebras over an operad ....................... 170 Mapping D¯-stacks ............................. 173

Chapter 2.3. Complicial algebraic geometry .................... 177
2.3.1. Two HA contexts ........................................ 177
2.3.2. Weakly geometric D-stacks .............................. 181
2.3.3. Examples of weakly geometric D-stacks .................. 182 Perfect modules ............................... 182 The D-stacks of dg-algebras and
                dg-categories ................................. 183
2.3.4. Geometric D-stacks ..................................... 187
2.3.5. Examples of geometric D-stacks ......................... 188 D¯-stacks and D-stacks ........................ 188 CW-perfect modules ............................ 188 CW-dg-algebras ................................ 192 The D-stack of negative CW-dg-categories ...... 193

Chapter 2.4. Brave new algebraic geometry ..................... 199
2.4.1. Two HAG contexts ....................................... 199
2.4.2. Elliptic cohomology as a Deligne-Mumford S-stack ....... 203

Appendix A. Classifying spaces of model categories ............ 207

Appendix B. Strictification ................................... 211

Appendix C. Representability criterion (after J. Lurie) ....... 215

Bibliography .................................................. 219

Index ......................................................... 223

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