CADE-2007: computer algebra and differential equations (Abo, 2007) - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCADE-2007: computer algebra and differential equations / ed. by Mylläri A., Edneral V., Ourusoff N. - Âbo: Âbo Akademis Förlag, 2007. - 191 p. - (Acta Academiae Aboensis, Ser.B, Mathematica et Physica; Vol. 67, N 2). - ISBN 978-951-765-402-9

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Оглавление / Contents
1.  On Completion to Involution Based on Janet Division
       Vladimir P. Gerdt ........................................ 1

2.  Mathematica in Word Pattern Avoidance Research
       Veikko Keränen .......................................... 12

3.  A Mathematica Package for Construction of Circuit
    Matrices in Quantum Computation
       Vladimir P. Gerdt, Robert Kragler, Alexander N.
       Prokopenya............................................... 28

4.  Constructivity of Involutive Divisions: Facts and
       Alexander S. Semenov and Petr A. Zyuzikov ............... 38

5.  Advantages and Disadvantages of Differential Standard
       M.V. Kondratieva, E.V. Pankratiev, D.V. Trushin,
       and A.I. Zobnin ......................................... 50

6.  Gröbner Bases over F2
       Vladimir P. Gerdt and Mikhail V. Zinin .................. 58

7.  POTHMF, a Program to Compute Matrix Elements of the
    Coupled Radial Equations for a Hydrogen-like Atom in
    a Homogeneous Magnetic Field
       O. Chuluunbaatar, A.A. Gusev, V.P. Gerdt, V.A.
       Rostovtsev, T.V. Tupikova, S.I. Vinitsky, A.G.
       Abrashkevich, M.S. Kaschiev, and V.V. Serov ............. 68

8.  Symbolic-numeric Solution of the Two-dimensional
    Schrödinger Equation with Double-well Potential
       I.N. Belyaeva, N.A. Chekanov, A.A.Gusev, A.N.
       Lukianenko, V.A. Rostovtsev, S.I.Vinitsky ............... 78

9.  On Compatibility of Systems of PDEs
       Valentin Lychagin ....................................... 87

10. Computation of Positive Roots of Polynomials with Applica
    tions to Orthogonal Polynomials
       Doru Ştefãnescu ......................................... 96

11. Analytic Computation of Normally Hyperbolic invariant
    Manifolds and their Surrounding Structures
       Jesús F. Palaciän, Patricia Yanguas .................... 106

12. Algebraic Combinatoric Aspects of Asymptotic Analysis of
    Nonlinear Dynamical System with Singular Inputs
       Hoang Ngoc Minh ........................................ 117

13. Stability of Equilibria in the Gravitational Field of
    a Finite Body. 1:2 Resonance
       Antonio Elipe, Víctor Lanchares ........................ 127

14. An Analytical Model for a Lunar Orbiter
       A. Abad, A. Elipe, J.F. San-Juan, M. San-Martín ........ 134

15. On the Distance Between Two Quasi-Keplerian Orbits
       Luis Floría ............................................ 144

16. Symmetry Analysis of Discrete Dynamical Systems
       Vladimir V. Kornyak .................................... 154

17. On Computer Algebra-aided Stability Analysis of
    Difference Schemes Generated by Means of Gröbner
       Vladimir P. Gerdt, Yury A. Blinkov ..................... 167

18. REDLOG Online Resources for Applied Quantifier
       Thomas Sturm ........................................... 177

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