Vorwort der Herausgeber ......................................... 5
1. Festakt in der Aula der Martin-Luther-Universität
Halle-Wittenberg am 17. November 2006
Jan R. Andreesen (Halle, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
Gedenken ........................................................ 9
Elmar Peschke (Halle, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
Laudatio ....................................................... 11
Katherine Wynne-Edwards (Ontario, Canada)
Large insights from small hamsters ............................. 19
Gerald Moritz (Halle, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
Dankesworte .................................................... 23
2. Cricetinae - Symposium der Martin-Luther-Universität
Halle-Wittenberg am 17. November 2006
Robert E. Johnston (Ithaca, USA)
Olfactory communication in hamsters: Social recognition and
scent marking .................................................. 27
Karsten Neumann (Halle, Germany)
Phylogeographic pattern of hamsters in the Eastern
Mediterranean: The genetic diversity and population structure
of wild golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) ................. 33
Peter Fritzsche (Halle, Germany)
Wild golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) in Turkish fields:
Distribution and activity ...................................... 38
Karsten Nasdal (Halle, Germany)
Mate choice in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) .......... 44
René Weinandy (Halle, Germany)
Welfare and stress in the golden hamster
(Mesocricetus auratus) ......................................... 47
Maurice La Haye (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
Is there a future for the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus)
in Western Europe? ............................................. 54
Guido Mundt (Halle, Germany)
Activity patterns of common hamsters in the wild ............... 60
Alexei V. Surov (Moscow, Russia)
Twenty five years with hamsters: Laboratory and field
experience ..................................................... 65
Vladimir S. Lebedev, Anna A. Bannikova, and Alexei S. Surov
(Moscow, Russia)
Systematics of striped hamsters (Cricetulus harabensis group)
from morphological and genetic viewpoints ...................... 69
Dietmar Weinert (Halle, Germany)
Circadian rhythms in Phodopus .................................. 77
3. Rolf Gattermann - zur Person
Rolf Gattermann
Der Feldhamster - das Charaktertier Sachsen-Anhalts
(unveröffentlichtes Manuskript) ................................ 87
Curriculum vitae ............................................... 92
Veröffentlichungen ............................................. 94
Vorträge ....................................................... 99