PREFACE ....................................................................... ix
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ..................................... xi
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1
1.1 JH Poynting (1909) The wave motion of a revolving shaft, and a
suggestion as to the angular momentum in a beam of circularly
polarised light ........................................................... 3
1.2 RA Beth (1936) Mechanical detection and measurement of the
angular momentum of light ................................................. 10
1.3 L Allen (2002) Introduction to the atoms and angular momentum of
light special issue ....................................................... 21
2 SPIN AND ORBITAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM ........................................... 27
2.1 L Allen, MW Beijersbergen, RJC Spreeuw and JP Woerdman (1992)
Orbital angular momentum of light and the transformation of
Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes ............................................ 31
2.2 SJ van Enk and G Nienhuis (1992) Eigenfunction description of laser
beams and orbital angular momentum of light .............................. 36
2.3 G Nienhuis and L Allen (1993) Paraxial wave optics and harmonic
oscillators .............................................................. 48
2.4 L Allen, J Courtial and MJ Padgett (1999) Matrix formulation for the
propagation of light beams with orbital and spin angular momenta ......... 58
2.5 MV Berry (1998) Paraxial beams of spinning light ......................... 65
2.6 L Allen and MJ Padgett (2000) The Poynting vector in
Laguerre-Gaussian beams and the interpretation of their angular
momentum density ......................................................... 75
2.7 AT O'Neil, I MacVicar, L Allen and MJ Padgett (2002) Intrinsic and
extrinsic nature of the orbital angular momentum of a light beam ......... 80
2.8 SJ van Enk and G Nienhuis (1994) Spin and orbital angular momentum
of photons ............................................................... 84
2.9 SM Barnett and L Allen (1994) Orbital angular momentum and
nonparaxial light beams .................................................. 89
2.10 SM Barnett (2002) Optical angular-momentum flux .......................... 98
3.1 M Padgett, J Arlt, N Simpson and L Allen (1996) An experiment to
observe the intensity and phase structure of Laguerre-Gaussian laser
modes ................................................................... 114
3.2 JM Vaughan and DV Willets (1983) Temporal and interference fringe
analysis of TEM01* laser modes ........................................... 120
3.3 C Tamm and CO Weiss (1990) Bistability and optical switching of spatial
patterns in a laser ..................................................... 124
3.4 M Harris, CA Hill and JM Vaughan (1994) Optical helices and spiral
interference fringes .................................................... 129
3.5 MW Beijersbergen, L Allen, HELO van der Veen and JP Woerdman (1993)
Astigmatic laser mode converters and transfer of orbital angular
momentum ................................................................ 135
3.6 G Molina-Terriza, J Recolons, JP Torres, L Torner and EM Wright (2001)
Observation of the dynamical inversion of the topological charge of an
optical vortex .......................................................... 145
3.7 MJ Padgett and L Allen (2002) Orbital angular momentum exchange
in cylindrical-lens mode converters ..................................... 149
3.8 V Yu Bazhenov, MV Vasnetsov and MS Soskin (1990) Laser beams with
screw dislocations in their wavefronts .................................. 152
3.9 NR Heckenberg, R McDuff, CP Smith, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop and
MJ Wegener (1992) Laser beams with phase singularities .................. 155
3.10 MS Soskin, VN Gorshkov, MV Vasnetsov, JT Malos and NR Heckenberg
(1997) Topological charge and angular momentum of light beams carrying
optical vortices ........................................................ 167
3.11 MW Beijersbergen, RPC Coerwinkel, M Kristensen and JP Woerdman (1994)
Helical-wavefront laser beams produced with a spiral phaseplate ......... 179
3.12 GA Turnbull, DA Robertson, GM Smith, L Allen and MJ Padgett
(1996) The generation of free-space Laguerre-Gaussian modes at
millimetre-wave frequencies by use of a spiral phaseplate ............... 186
4 OPTICAL FORCES AND TORQUES ON PARTICLES .................................... 193
4.1 A Ashkin, JM Dziedzic, JE Bjorkholm and S Chu (1986) Observation of
a single-beam gradient force optical trap for dielectric particles ...... 196
4.2 H He, MEJ Friese, NR Heckenberg and H Rubinsztein-Dunlop (1995)
Direct observation of transfer of angular momentum to absorptive
particles from a laser beam with a phase singularity .................... 199
4.3 MEJ Friese, J Enger, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop and NR Heckenberg (1996)
Optical angular-momentum transfer to trapped absorbing particles ........ 203
4.4 NB Simpson, K Dholakia, L Allen and MJ Padgett (1997) Mechanical
equivalence of spin and orbital angular momentum of light: an optical
spanner ................................................................. 207
5 OPTICAL FORCES AND TORQUES ON ATOMS ........................................ 211
5.1 L Allen, M Babiker, WK Lai and VE Lembessis (1996) Atom dynamics in
multiple Laguerre-Gaussian beams ........................................ 215
5.2 SJ van Enk (1994) Selection rules and centre-of-mass motion of ultracold
atoms ................................................................... 227
5.3 JWR Tabosa and DV Petrov (1999) Optical pumping of orbital
angular momentum of light in cold cesium atoms .......................... 240
6 ROTATIONAL FREQUENCY SHIFTS ................................................ 245
6.1 BA Garetz (1981) Angular Doppler effect ................................. 247
6.2 G Nienhuis (1996) Doppler effect induced by rotating lenses ............. 250
6.3 MJ Padgett and J Courtial (1999) Poincare-sphere equivalent for light
beams containing orbital angular momentum ............................... 257
6.4 I Bialynicki-Birula and Z Bialynicka-Birula (1997) Rotational frequency
shift ................................................................... 260
6.5 L Allen, M Babiker and WL Power (1994) Azimuthal Doppler shift in light
beams with orbital angular momentum ..................................... 264
6.6 J Courtial, DA Robertson, K Dholakia, L Allen and MJ Padgett (1998)
Rotational frequency shift of a light beam .............................. 268
7 ANGULAR MOMENTUM IN NONLINEAR OPTICS ....................................... 271
7.1 J Courtial, K Dholakia, L Allen and MJ Padgett (1997) Second-harmonic
generation and the conservation of orbital angular momentum with
high-order Laguerre-Gaussian modes ...................................... 273
7.2 WJ Firth and DV Skryabin (1997) Optical solitons carrying orbital
angular momentum ........................................................ 277
7.3 M Soljacic and M Segev (2001) Integer and fractional angular momentum
borne on self-trapped necklace-ring beams ............................... 281
8 ENTANGLEMENT OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM ........................................... 285
8.1 A Mair, A Vaziri, G Weihs and A Zeilinger (2001) Entanglement of the
orbital angular momentum states of photons .............................. 287
8.2 S Franke-Arnold, SM Barnett, MJ Padgett and L Allen (2002) Two-photon
entanglement of orbital angular momentum states ......................... 291
8.3 J Leach, MJ Padgett, SM Barnett, S Franke-Arnold and J Courtial (2002)
Measuring the orbital angular momentum of a single photon ............... 297