Visualization in landscape and environmental planning: technology and applications

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Visualization in landscape and environmental planning: technology and applications / ed. by Bishop I.D., Lange E. - London; New York: Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 296 p. - ISBN 0-415-30510-1.

   Preface ............................................................. ix

   Foreword ............................................................ xi
   Stephen M. Ervin

   Contributors ........................................................ xv

   Acknowledgements ................................................... xxi

   Part 1 Understanding visualization .................... 1

1  Communication, perception and visualization .......................... 3
   Eckart Lange and Ian D. Bishop

2  Visualization classified ............................................ 23
   Ian D. Bishop and Eckart Lange

3  Data sources for three-dimensional models ........................... 35
   Ben Discoe

4  Visualization technology ............................................ 51

   Introduction ........................................................ 51
   Ian D. Bishop and Eckart Lange

   Efficient modelling and rendering of landscapes ..................... 56
   Oliver Deussen, Carsten Colditz, Liviu Coconu and
   Hans-Christian Hege

   Using games software for interactive landscape
   visualization ....................................................... 62
   Adrian Herwig, Einar Kretzler and Philip Paar

   Presentation style and technology ................................... 68
   Ian D. Bishop and Eckart Lange

5  Validity, reliability and ethics in visualization ................... 79
   Stephen R.J. Sheppard

   Part 2 Applications ......................................... 99

6  Applications in the forest landscape ............................... 101

   Introduction ....................................................... 101
   Duncan Cavens
   "Calibrating" images to more accurately represent future
   landscape Conditions in forestry ................................... 104
   Brian Orland

   Studying the acceptability of forest management practices
   using visual simulation of forest regrowth ......................... 112
   Ian D. Bishop, Rebecca Ford, Daniel Loiterton and
   Kathryn Williams

   Planning, communicating, designing and decision making
   for large scale landscapes ......................................... 120
   Jon Salter, Stephen R.J. Sheppard, Duncan Cavens and
   Michael Meitner

   The role of landscape simulators in forestry: a Finnish
   perspective ........................................................ 125
   Liisa Tyrvainen and Jori Uusitalo

7  Applications in the agricultural landscape ......................... 133

   Introduction ....................................................... 133
   Ian D. Bishop

   Designing, visualizing and evaluating sustainable
   agricultural landscapes ............................................ 136
   Andrew Lovett

   Helping rural communities envision their future .................... 145
   Christian Stock and Ian D. Bishop

   Lenne3D - walk-through visualization of planned
   landscapes ......................................................... 152
   Philip Paar and Jorg Rekittke

8  Applications in energy, industry and infrastructure ................ 163

   Introduction ....................................................... 163
   Ian D. Bishop

   Visualizing scenic resource impacts: proposed surface
   mining and solid waste sanitary landfill ........................... 166
   John C. Ellsworth, Abraham N. Medina and
   lssa A. Hamud

   The provision of visualization tools for engaging public
   and professional audiences ......................................... 175
   David R. Miller, Jane G. Morrice and Alastor Coleby

   The visualization of windfarms ..................................... 184
   John F. Benson

9  Applications in the urban landscape ................................ 193

   Introduction ....................................................... 193
   Eckart Lange

   Future scenarios of peri-urban green space ......................... 195
   Eckart Lange and Sigrid Hehl-Lange

   Negotiating public view protection and high density in
   urban design ....................................................... 203
   John W. Danahy

   Combining visualization with choice experimentation in
   the built environment .............................................. 212
   Richard Laing, Anne-Marie Davies and Stephen Scott

   Part 3 Prospects ............................................ 221

10 Visualization prospects ............................................ 223

   Introduction ....................................................... 223
   Ian D. Bishop and Eckart Lange

   Compositing of computer graphics with landscape video
   sequences .......................................................... 226
   Eihachiro Nakamae, Xueying Qin and Katsumi Tadamura

   Future use of augmented reality for environmental and
   landscape planners ................................................. 234
   Wayne Piekarski and Bruce H. Thomas

   Visualization and participatory decision making .................... 241
   Nathan H. Perkins and Steve Barnhart

   Visualization in support of public participation ................... 251
   Michael Kwartler

   Trends, challenges and a glimpse of the future ..................... 261
   Ian D. Bishop and Eckart Lange

   References ......................................................... 267

   Index .............................................................. 293

Вверх Visualization in landscape and environmental planning: technology and applications / ed. by Bishop I.D., Lange E. - London; New York: Taylor & Francis, 2005. - 296 p. - ISBN 0-415-30510-1.

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