Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки ННЦ в 2003 г. Институт геологии, геофизики и минерального сырья | |
Sedimentary environments offshore Norway: palaeozoic to recent: Proc. of the Norw. petroleum soc. conf., 3-5 May 1999, Bergen, Norway / Ed. by Matrinsen O.J., Dreyer T. - Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier, 2001. - XIV, 490 p.: ill. - (Norw. petroleum soc. spec. publ.; N 10). (ISBN 0-444-50241-6) – Осадочные среды прибрежных районов Норвегии: от палеозоя до наших дней. Оглавление
- Required reading for geologists working in the offshore areas, Volume 10 continues the series from the Norwegian Petroleum Society. This work provides an up-to-date review of the late Palaeozoic to present sedimentary history of the Norwegian offshore areas in the North Sea and Mid-Norway basins. Case studies, overview articles and analogue examples from adjacent areas such as Greenland and Denmark, present new ideas on the development of the Norwegian margin from the Carboniferous through the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The book is organised based on geologic time, from Palaeozoic through Mesozoic to Cenozoic examples. It includes a set of palaeogeographic maps from the Carboniferous through to the Cenozoic. In addition, there are numerous examples of core photographs, well log data, correlation panels and seismic as well as outcrop photographs and logs from the analogue examples. Comprehensive reference and keyword lists are also included.