Quantization, coherent states, and Poisson structures (Warszawa, 1998)

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Quantization, coherent states, and Poisson structures: Proc. of the XIV workshop on geometric metods in physics, Bialowieza, July 9-15, 1995 / Ed. by Strasburger A. et al. - Warszawa: PWN, 1998. - VIII, 331 p.: ill. (ISBN 83-01-12758-9)- Квантование, когерентные состояния и структуры Пуассона
  • This volume is one of the series of Proceedings of Workshops on Geometric Methods in Physics, which are held annually in Bialowieza, Poland. The book brings over thirty contributions, many of them authored by leading authorities in the field. The topics range from fundamental problems of quantization, through the theory of chaotic behaviour of quantum systems to group theoretic and geometric methods of quantization and further to quantum groups and applications.
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