Hu P. S-modules in the category of schemes (Providence, 2003)

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Институт математики
Hu P. S-modules in the category of schemes. - Providence: Amer. math. soc., 2003. - VII, 125 p - (Memoirs of the Amer. math. soc.; ISBN 0-8218-2956-4; N 767)- S-модули в категории схем
  • This paper gives a theory $S$-modules for Morel and Voevodsky's category of algebraic spectra over an arbitrary field $k$. This is a "point-set" category of spectra which are commutative, associative and unital with respect to the smash product. In particular, $E{\infty}$-ring spectra are commutative monoids in this category.
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