Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки ННЦ в 2003 г. Институт математики |  |
Fourier analysis and related topics / Ed.: Zelazko W. - Warszawa, 2002. - 138 p - (Banach center publ., Vol. 56). - Фурье анализ и связанные с ним предметы обсуждения Оглавление
- The present volume gathers contributions presenting important recent developments in geometry and analysis on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, both in the finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional cases.
The focus of the volume is on subjects actively investigated in recent years: analysis on causal symmetric spaces and its interplay with analysis on complex homogeneous spaces; construction of representations associated with Berezin kernels; geometry and topology of classical Hilbert-Lie groups; applications to nonlinear P.D.E. and deformations of algebraic structures.