At the cost of repeating oneself
C.N.R. Rao 4
Science education: imperatives
Rais Ahmed 5
Chemistry education: highlights of the first
twentyfour issues 8
Paradigms in research and parables in teaching
D.R.Hershbach 14
The world of chemistry
R.Hoffman 16
Interactive participation in science museums
Saroj Ghose 18
Teaching for excellence of learning in chemistry
P.J.Fensham 25
Oxygen, oxidase, oxygenase and others
Animesh Chakravorty 29
Proffessional development in chemistry
N.K.Uberoi 34
An experiment in international curriculum development
- a report
Henry Heikkinen, Lee Summerlin 36
An experiment in international curriculum development
an analysis
Marjorie Gardner 54
Introduction of economic and social aspects in chemistry
Reiko Isuyama 57
Integrated approaches to chemistry teaching
Brian T.Newbold 61