Application of Computers to Vibronic Spectra:
A.Bartecki and J.Myrczek 53
Automatic Peak Assignments for in vivo 31 P NMR
C.Dumoulin 61
Optimization of Parameters for Fourier Self-
deconvolution: 2—Band Multiplets: W.-J.Yang
and P.R.Griffiths 69
A Programmable Spectrometer Interface Based on a
Commercial Microcomputer System
L.Van Haverbeke,H.Duijvewaardt and M.A.Herman 75
New Approach to Increased Dynamic Range in Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectrometry
G.M.Brissey and C.L.Wilkins 85
Microprocessor Synchronization of a Multichannel
Analyser with a Monochromator
M.Carleer and J.P.Walgraeve 91