Markhinin V.V. The Sustainable Development Concept: The Contribution of Academician V.A.Koptyug (Hannover, 2015)

Rambler's Top100
Vasily V. Markhinin,
Doctor of Philosophy,
Head of the Philosophy Department.
The Sustainable Development Concept:
The Contribution of Academician V.A.Koptyug.
This brochure* discusses the contribution of Academician V.A. Koptyug to development and promotion of the sustainable development concept. Formation of the sustainable development concept and its key points in the treatment of V.A. Koptyug are described. It is demonstrated that V.A. Koptyug's relentless activity aimed at development and promotion of the concept of sustainable development has had a marked influence on the modern search for the Russian path to the future.
   The Sustainable Development Concept:
   The Contribution of Academician V.A. Koptyug ........... 4
       The sustainable development concept:
       development and key aspects ........................ 6
       The sustainable development concept
       and environmental ethics .......................... 10
       Is sustainable development possible? .............. 13
       Sustainable development
       and social structure .............................. 17
       His cause lives on ................................ 22
       References: ....................................... 25
Markhinin V.V. The Sustainable Development Concept: The Contribution of Academician V.A.Koptyug / Unter Förderungen der Europäischen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften e.V. - Hannover, 2015. - 28 S. - (Sonderdruck aus Hannoversches Jahrbuch. Band 2, 2015. Serie: Ökologie).
Задняя обложка
Germany, Hannover-2015
Academic Advisor
Supervizor Professor L.P. Kurakov
Professor Vladimir Tyminskiy
Prof. J. Czaban
Professor Wojciech Slomski
Professor A.L. Kurakov
Vasily Vasilievitch Markhinin
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Philosophy Department,
Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia
 CONTENT --> PART 1 --> PART 2 --> REFERENCES --> PDF >>

В.А.К. | О Коптюге | Библиография | Интернет | Идеи | Библиотека | Новости | Каталог | Альбом | Eng

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