Зарубежная социология 1969-1984
1. Alexander J.C. Theoretical logic in sociology. - London: Routledge & Kegan, 1982 - 2. Baldridge J.V. Sociology: A critical approach to power, conflict and change. - N.Y.: Wiley, 1975. - xii, 497p., il. 3. Berger H., Jetzschmann H. Der Soziologische Forschungsprozess: (Methodologische und methodische Aspekte). - Berlin: Dietz, 1973. - 200 S. 4. Brier A., Robinson I. Computers and the social sciences. - London: Hutchinson, 1974. - 285p., il. 5. Burghes D.N., Wood A.D. Mathematical models in the social, management and life sciences. - Chichester: Horwood; N.Y.: Wiley, 1980. - 287p., il. 6. Champion D.J. Basic statistics for social research. - Scranton, 1970. - xvi, 310p., il. 7. Cooperative effects: Progress in synergetics: Lectures given at Erice / Sicily, May 1974 / Ed. by H.Haken. - Amsterdam; Oxford; N.Y., 1974. - v, 301p., il. 8. Dynamics of synergetic systems: Proc. of the Intern. symp. on synergetics, Bielefeld, FRG, Sept. 24-29, 1979 / Ed. by H.Haken. - Berlin: Springer, 1980. - viii, 271p., il. 9. Economics and sociology: towards an integration / Ed. by T.Huppes. - Leiden: Nijhoff, 1976. - ix, 178p., il. 10. European monographs in social psychology. - London: Acad. press, 19 - 11. Fletcher R. The making of sociology: A study of sociological theory. Vol.1. - London, 1972. 12. Goodman L.A., Kruskal W.H. Measures of association for cross classifications. - N.Y.: Springer, 1979. - x, 146p., il. 13. Hanushek E.A., Jackson J.E. Statistical methods for social scientists. - N.Y.: Acad. press, 1977. - xiii, 374p., il. 14. Hayes P. Mathematical methods in the social and managerial sciences. - N.Y., 1975. - xvi, 460p., il. 15. Horton P.B., Hunt C.L. Sociology. - 4th ed. - N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1976. - xi, 562p., il. 16. Leik R.K., Meeker B.F. Mathematical sociology. - Englewood Cliffs, 1975. - xii, 242p. 17. Lindsey J.K. Inferences from sociological survey data - a unified approach. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1973. - xiv, 163p., il. 18. The measurement of economic and social performance / Ed. by Milton Moss. - N.Y.; London: Columbia Univ. press, 1973. - x, 605p., il. 19. New directions in sociology / Ed. by David C.Thorns. - Newton Abbot, 1976. - 192p., il. 20. Nowak S. Methodology of sociological research: General problems / Transl. from Pol. by Maria Olga Lepa. - Warszawa: PWN ; Dordrecht ; Boston: Reidel, 1977. - xvii, 504p., il. 21. Rьegg W. Soziologie. - Frankfurt am Main; Hamburg, 1969. - 315 S. 22. Self-organization and management of social systems: Insights, promises, doubts and questions / Ed. by H.Ulrich, G.J.B.Probst. - Berlin: Springer, 1984. - ix, 155p., il. 23. Shubik M. A game-theoretic approach to political economy. - Cambridge ; London: Mass. Inst. of technol., 1984 - 24. Social policy and sociology / Ed. by N.J.Demerath. - N.Y.: Acad. press, 1975. - xv, 365p. 25. Spencer H. Principles of sociology / Ed. by S.Andreski. - London: McMillan, 1969. - xxxvii, 821p. 26. Theoretical perspectives in sociology / Ed. by Scott G.McNall. - N.Y.: St.Martin's, 1979. - xiv, 562p. 27. Weidlich W., Haag G. Concepts and models of a quantitative sociology: The dynamics of interacting populations. - Berlin: Springer, 1983. - xii, 217p., il. 28. Worterbuch der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Soziologie / Hrsg. von Georg Assmann u.a. - Berlin: Dietz, 1977. - 758 S.
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