Список электронных версий иностранных научных журналов из числа приобретенных на 2010 год
Список электронных версий иностранных научных журналов
из числа приобретенных на 2010 год
EBSCO Доступ через сайт EBSCO: http://ejournals.ebsco.com/Home.asp

При входе на сайт необходимо ввести пароль:
Customer Code: SPSL,   User I: SCIENCE,   Password: SIBERIA
  1. Aeronautical Journal. Royal Aeronautical Society (доступ только через сайт издательства)
  2. American Mineralogist. Mineralogical Society of America
  3. American Sociological Review. American Sociological Association
  4. Annales Geophysicae. Copernicus Gesellschaft/European Geophysical Society
  5. Annals of Probability. Institute of Mathematical Statistics
  6. Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics
  7. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Taylor & Francis Group
  8. Applied Physics Letters. American Institute of Physics
  9. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. University of Colorado
  10. Arctic Anthropology. University of Wisconsin Press
  11. Astronomy and Astrophysics. EDP Sciences
  12. Astrophysical Journal. University of Chicago Press
  13. Biochemical Journal. Portland Press
  14. Biology of Reproduction. Society for the Study Reproduction
  15. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. Chemical Society of Japan
  16. Cancer Research. American Association for Cancer Research
  17. Chemical Communications. Royal Society of Chemistry
  18. Chemistry Letters. Chemical Society of Japan
  19. Clinical Cancer Research. American Association for Cancer Research
  20. College and Research Libraries. Association of College and Research Libraries
  21. Ecology. Ecological Society of America
  22. Erdoel-Erdgas-Kohle. Urban Verlag Hamburg (доступ только через сайт издательства)
  23. Evolution. Wiley-Blackwell
  24. Genes and Development. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
  25. Geological Society of America. Bulletin. Geological Society of America
  26. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. Blackwell
  27. IFLA Journal. SAGE Publications
  28. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. Sapiens Publishing
  29. International Regional Science Review. SAGE Publications
  30. JAMA. Journal of the American Medical Association. American Medical Assn.
  31. Journal of Applied Mechanics. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  32. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. American Meteorological Society
  33. Journal of Applied Physics. American Institute of Physics
  34. Journal of Applied Probability. Applied Probability
  35. Journal of Chemical Physics. American Institute of Physics
  36. Journal of Energetic Materials. Taylor & Francis
  37. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Cambridge University Press
  38. Journal of Fluids Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  39. Journal of Heat Transfer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  40. Journal of Immunology. American Association of Immunologists
  41. Journal of Laser Applications. Laser Institute of America
  42. Journal of Parasitology. Allen Press
  43. Journal of the American Mathematical Society. American Mathematical Society
  44. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. American Meteorogical Science
  45. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Institute of Pure and Applied Physics
  46. Mineralogical Magazine. Mineralogical Society. Great Britain (переход с сайта EBSCO на сайт INGENTA: User Name - novosib Password - library)
  47. Optical Engineering. SPIE
  48. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Wiley-Blackwell
  49. Phycologia. International Phycological Society
  50. Physical Review. Part B.: Condensed Matter. American Physical Society
  51. Physics of Plasmas. American Institute of Physics
  52. Phytocoenologia. Schweizerbartsche Verlag (переход с сайта EBSCO на сайт INGENTA: User Name - novosib Password - library)
  53. Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Physiologists
  54. Plant Physiology. American Society of Plant Physiologists
  55. Polar Geography. Taylor and Francis
  56. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. National Academy of Sciences
  57. Professional Geographer. Taylor & Francis Group
  58. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism. Science and Technology Letters (переход с сайта EBSCO на сайт INGENTA: User Name - novosib Password - library)
  59. Review of Scientific Instruments. American Institute of Physics
  60. Reviews of Modern Physics. American Physical Society
  61. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. Society for Industrial on Applied Mathematics
  62. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. Society for Industrial on Applied Mathematics
  63. SIAM Journal of Optimization. Society for Industrial on Applied Mathematics
  64. Slavonic and East European Review. Modern Humanities Reseach Association (переход с сайта EBSCO на сайт INGENTA: User Name - novosib Password - library)
  65. Taxon. International Association for Plant Taxonomy (переход с сайта EBSCO на сайт INGENTA: User Name - novosib Password - library)
  66. World Archaeology. Taylor & Francis Group
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