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ОбложкаKisslinger L.S. Astrophysics and the evolution of the universe. - 2nd ed. - New Jersey: World Scientific, 2017. - xii, 223 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.221-223. - ISBN 978-981-3147-09-6
Шифр: (И/В6-К49) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Chapter 1. Physics Concepts Needed for Astrophysics ............. 1
1  Overview of Some Basic Physics Concepts ...................... 2
2  Position, Velocity, Acceleration, and Vectors ................ 5
3  Force and Newton's Law of Motion ............................ 10
4  Energy and Temperature ...................................... 14
5  Dark Energy ................................................. 18
6  Problems .................................................... 19
References ..................................................... 20

Chapter 2. Forces and Particles ................................ 21
1  Einstein's Photoelectric Effect: Quanta of Electromagnetic
   Field ....................................................... 21
2  Elementary Particles and Forces ............................. 23
3  Quantum Electrodynamics ..................................... 26
4  The Atomic Nucleus and the Nuclear Force .................... 31
5  Elementary Particles: Fermions and Bosons ................... 34
6  Elementary Particles in the Standard Model .................. 37
7  Summary ..................................................... 40
8  Problems .................................................... 43
References ..................................................... 43

Chapter 3. Hubble's Law: Expansion of the Universe ............. 44
1  Overview of Hubble's Law .................................... 44
2  Hubble's Graphs and Hubble's Law ............................ 50
3  Problems .................................................... 55
References ..................................................... 55

Chapter 4. Stars, Galaxies, Etc ................................ 56
1  Overview of Chapter 4 ....................................... 56
2  Review of Force of Gravity .................................. 56
3  Nebular Theory of Our Solar System — Rene Descartes, 17th
   Century ..................................................... 59
4  Galaxy Rotation and Dark Matter ............................. 65
5  Gravitational Collapse of a Massive Star .................... 67
6  Problems .................................................... 70
References ..................................................... 71

Chapter 5. Neutrino Oscillations, Symmetries, and Pulsar
Kicks .......................................................... 72
1  Overview of Chapter 5 ....................................... 72
2  Quantum States and Time Dependence of Neutrino States ....... 72
3  Three Important Symmetries in Quantum Theory: Parity,
   Charge Conjugation, and Time Reversal ....................... 75
4  Neutrino Flavor, Mass, and Oscillations ..................... 77
5  T, CP and CPT Violations in Neutrino OsciUations ............ 78
6  Conclusions for Time Reversal and CP-Violation Tests ........ 81
7  Pulsar Kicks ................................................ 82
8  Problems .................................................... 87
References ..................................................... 88

Chapter 6. Einstein's Special and General Theories of
Relativity ..................................................... 89
1  Overview of Chapter 6 ....................................... 89
2  Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity ..................... 89
3  Einstein's General Theory of Relativity ..................... 95
4  Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and the Evolution
   of the Universe: Discussed in Chapter 7 .................... 101
5  Problems ................................................... 102
References .................................................... 102

Chapter 7. Radius and Temperature of the Universe from the
General Theory of Relativity .................................. 103
1  Overview of Chapter 7 ...................................... 103
2  Tests of Theories of General and Special Relativity ........ 103
3  Friedman's Equations for R(t) - Radius of the Universe ..... 109
4  T{t) from Friedmann's Equation ............................. 114
5  The Horizon Problem and Inflation .......................... 114
6  Gravitational Radiation and Gravity Waves from Inflation ... 118
7  Gravitational Quantum Field Theory ......................... 119
8  Einstein vs Bohr: Relativity vs Quantum Mechanics .......... 120
9  Problems ................................................... 120
References .................................................... 121

Chapter 8. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) ....... 122
1  Review of Concepts Relevant to the CMBR .................... 123
2  The CMBR ................................................... 125
3  Problems ................................................... 144
References .................................................... 144

Chapter 9. Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) ................ 145
1  Phase Transitions .......................................... 146
2  Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) ........................ 152
3  Gravitational Quantum Field Theory and Gravity Waves ....... 160
4  Problems ................................................... 165
References .................................................... 165

Chapter 10. Quantum Chromodynamic Phase Transition (QCDPT) .... 166
1  The QCD Phase Transition ................................... 167
2  QCDPT and Magnetic Fields in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters .. 173
3  Dark Energy and the QCDPT Quark Condensate ................. 176
4  Creation of the QGP by Relativistic Heavy Ion ColHsions
   (RHIC) ..................................................... 179
5  Heavy Quark Meson Production in A-A Collisions at
   √s = 200GeV ................................................ 187
6  Problems ................................................... 189
References .................................................... 189

Chapter 11. Gravitational Waves ............................... 191
1  Overview of Chapter 11 ..................................... 191
2  Gravitational Wave Generation and Einstein's General
   Theory of Relativity ....................................... 191
3  Polarized Gravitational Waves from Cosmological Phase
   Transitions ................................................ 192
4  Theoretical Estimates of GW Production from Black Hole
   Mergers .................................................... 194
5  Gravitational Radiation from Binary Pulsars ................ 197
6  Detection of GWs and the Laser Interferometer
   Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) ...................... 200
7  Problems ................................................... 205
References .................................................... 205

Solutions to Problems ......................................... 207
Appendix: Vector Calculus and Maxwell's Equations ............. 218
Index ......................................................... 221

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