
Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаFull-duplex communications and networks / L.Song, R.Wichman, Y.Li, Z.Han. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2017. - xv, 334 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr.: p.312-330. - Ind.: p.331-334. - ISBN 978-1-107-15756-9
Шифр: (И/З 88-F96) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

1    Basics of Communication Systems ............................ 1
1.1  Advanced Wireless Communication Technology ................. 1
     1.1.1  OFDM/OFDMA Technology ............................... 1
     1.1.2  Multiple Antenna System and Massive MIMO ............ 4
     1.1.3  Mmwave Communication ................................ 7
     1.1.4  Cognitive Radios .................................... 9
     1.1.5  Relay Networks ..................................... 12
1.2  Wireless Heterogeneous Networks ........................... 16
     1.2.1  3G Cellular Networks ............................... 16
     1.2.2  4G Cellular Network: LTE and WiMAX ................. 18
     1.2.3  5G Cellular Networks and Beyond .................... 24
     1.2.4  Femtocell/Small Cell Networks ...................... 25
     1.2.5  Device-to-Device Networks .......................... 30
     1.2.6  LTE-Unlicensed ..................................... 35
     1.2.7  WiFi Networks ...................................... 38
     1.2.8  Wireless Personal Area Networks .................... 41
     1.2.9  Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ........................... 42
     1.2.10 Wireless Sensor Networks ........................... 43
1.3  Full Duplex ............................................... 44
     1.3.1  Self-Interference Cancellation ..................... 44
     1.3.2  Current State of the Art ........................... 46
     1.3.3  Key Application Scenarios .......................... 47

2    Signal Processing and Tlieoretical Limits ................. 50
2.1  System Modeling ........................................... 51
     2.1.1  Non-Orthogonal Multicarrier Modulation ............. 54
     2.1.2  Time-Domain Modeling ............................... 56
     2.1.3  Modeling of Self-Interference Channel .............. 57
2.2  Modeling of Self-Interference ............................. 61
     2.2.1  Dynamic Range ...................................... 62
     2.2.2  RF Impairments ..................................... 64
     2.2.3  System Calculations ................................ 67
2.3  Self-Interference Cancellation Mechanisms ................. 71
2.4  Algorithms for Self-Interference Cancellation ............. 73
     2.4.1  Time-Domain Cancellation ........................... 73
     2.4.2  Frequency-Domain Cancellation ...................... 74
     2.4.3  Spatial Suppression ................................ 76
     2.4.4  Spatial Suppression and Time-Domain Cancellation ... 80
     2.4.5  Channel Estimation ................................. 84
     2.4.6  Adaptive Interference Cancellation ................. 85
2.5  Key Challenges ............................................ 89

3    Full-Duplex System Hardware Implementation ................ 90
3.1  Full-Duplex Technology Used in Wireless Systems ........... 90
3.2  Antenna Design ............................................ 91
     3.2.1  Antenna Geometry ................................... 92
     3.2.2  Polarization ....................................... 93
     3.2.3  Wavetraps .......................................... 94
3.3  Analog Cancellation Techniques ............................ 95
     3.3.1  Shared Antenna Design .............................. 96
     3.3.2  RF Cancellation Techniques ......................... 97
3.4  Advanced Digital Cancellation ............................. 99
3.5  System Architecture ...................................... 103
     3.5.1  Pure RF and Digital Cancellation .................. 104
     3.5.2  Hybrid RF and Digital Cancellation ................ 105
     3.5.3  Analog Baseband and Digital Cancellation .......... 107
3.6  Key Challenges ........................................... 107

4    Full-Duplex MIMO Communications .......................... 109
4.1  FD MIMO Signal Processing ................................ 109
     4.1.1  Mode Switching between Full-Duplex and Half-
            Duplex ............................................ 109
     4.1.2  Antenna Pairing ................................... 114
     4.1.3  FD MIMO Communications ............................ 120
4.2  X-Duplex: Flexible Switching between SISO and FD ......... 130
     4.2.1  Maximum Sum-Rate Criterion ........................ 132
     4.2.2  Performance Analysis .............................. 132
     4.2.3  Simulation Results ................................ 136
4.3  Summary and Key Challenges ............................... 136

5    Full-Duplex OFDMA Communications ......................... 138
5.1  FD-OFDMA Model ........................................... 138
     5.1.1  System Model ...................................... 138
5.2  Centralized Resource Management: User Pairing,
     Subcarrier and Power Allocation .......................... 140
     5.2.1  Problem Formulation ............................... 140
     5.2.2  Resource Management with Full Channel State
            Information (CSI) ................................. 142
     5.2.3  Resource Management with Local CSI ................ 147
     5.2.4  Simulation Results ................................ 152
5.3  User Pairing and Resource Management Based on Matching
     Theory ................................................... 160
     5.3.1  Matching Theory Basics ............................ 160
     5.3.2  Joint User Pairing, Subcarrier Allocation and
            Power Control ..................................... 160
     5.3.3  Matching Algorithm for FD-OFDMA Resource
            Allocation ........................................ 164
     5.3.4  Simulation Results ................................ 170
5.4  Concluding Remarks ....................................... 176

6    Full-Duplex Heterogeneous Networks ....................... 179
6.1  Full-Duplex Small Cell Networks .......................... 180
     6.1.1  System Model ...................................... 181
     6.1.2  Problem Formulation ............................... 184
     6.1.3  Numerical Results ................................. 186
6.2  Full-Duplex HetNet and MU-MIMO Switching ................. 188
     6.2.1  System Model ...................................... 189
     6.2.2  Switching Criterion between Full-Duplex and
            Half-Duplex ....................................... 191
     6.2.3  Numerical Analysis ................................ 197
6.3  Summary .................................................. 204

7    Full-Duplex Cooperative Networks ......................... 205
7.1  Cooperative Communication Basics ......................... 205
7.2  Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems ............ 208
     7.2.1  System Model ...................................... 208
     7.2.2  Performance Analysis of FD AF Relaying ............ 209
     7.2.3  Relay Location Optimization ....................... 210
     7.2.4  Simulation Results ................................ 212
7.3  X-Duplex Relay Systems ................................... 214
     7.3.1  System Model of X-Duplex Systems .................. 214
     7.3.2  Performance Analysis of X-Duplex Relay Systems .... 217
     7.3.3  Average SER Analysis .............................. 220
     7.3.4  Average Sum Rate .................................. 221
     7.3.5  Simulation Results of X-Duplex Relay Systems ...... 224
7.4  Full-Duplex Relaying with Joint Relay and Antenna
     Mode Selection ........................................... 228
     7.4.1  System Model ...................................... 228
     7.4.2  Performance Analysis of RAMS ...................... 232
     7.4.3  Simulation Results ................................ 240
7.5  Concluding Remarks ....................................... 245

8    Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Networks ..................... 247
8.1  Cognitive Radio Basics ................................... 247
8.2  Listen-And-Talk Protocol ................................. 251
     8.2.1  System Model ...................................... 251
     8.2.2  Protocol Description .............................. 253
     8.2.3  Key Parameter Design .............................. 255
     8.2.4  Performance Analysis: Power-Throughput
            Trade-Off ......................................... 262
     8.2.5  Numerical Evaluation .............................. 265
8.3  Cooperative Spectrum Sensing ............................. 268
     8.3.1  Cooperation Scheme ................................ 269
     8.3.2  Analysis of FD Cooperative Spectrum Sensing ....... 270
8.4  Dynamic Spectrum Access .................................. 272
     8.4.1  Infrastructureless Spectrum Access ................ 273
     8.4.2  Infrastructure Spectrum Access .................... 279
8.5  Key Challenges ........................................... 288
     8.5.1  Signal Processing Techniques ...................... 288
     8.5.2  Coexistence of Multiple Systems ................... 289

9    Full-Duplex Random Access Networks ....................... 291
9.1  Spectrum Access Models ................................... 292
     9.1.1  Exclusive-Use Model ............................... 293
     9.1.2  Shared-Use Model .................................. 295
     9.1.3  Spectrum Commons Model ............................ 295
9.2  Traditional Half-Duplex MAC .............................. 297
     9.2.1  Carrier Sensing Multiple Access ................... 298
     9.2.2  Hidden Terminal/Exposed Terminal Problems and
            RTS/CTS ........................................... 298
     9.2.3  IEEE802.11 MAC .................................... 300
9.3  Full-Duplex MAC Protocol Design .......................... 302
     9.3.1  System Model ...................................... 302
     9.3.2  MAC Protocol Design ............................... 303
     9.3.3  Performance Analysis .............................. 305
     9.3.4  Simulation Results ................................ 309
9.4  Summary .................................................. 310

References .................................................... 312
Index ......................................................... 331

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