| Discrete geometry and convexity: in honour of Imre Barany: this special vol. is contributed by the speakers of the Discrete geometry and convexity conf., held in Budapest, June 19-23, 2017 / ed. by G.Ambrus et al. - Budapest: Alfred Renyi institute of mathematics, Hungarian academy of sciences, 2017. - 151 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art - ISBN 978-963-279-963-6 Шифр: (И/В18-D63) 02
Preface ......................................................... 9
A few great results of Imre Bárány ............................. 11
A few snapshots of Bárány ...................................... 14
Invited articles
The beauty and the mystery of the symmetric moment curve ....... 19
Alexander Barvinok
Monotonicity of functionals of random polytopes ................ 23
Mareen Beermann and Matthias Reitzner
Thieves dividing birthday presents and birthday cakes .......... 29
Pavle Blagojević and Pablo Soberón
Polynomials in finite geometry and combinatorics ............... 35
Aart Blokhuis
Families of vectors without antipodal pairs .................... 38
Péter Frankl and Andrey Kupavskii
On a Helly-type question for central symmetry .................. 44
Alexey Garber and Edgardo Roldán-Pensado
An old method with two new geometrical applications ............ 50
Péter Hajnal and Endre Szemerédi
Helly theorems for connected sets in the plane ................. 53
Andreas F. Holmsen
Problems for Imre Bárány's Birthday ............................ 59
Gil Kalai
Geometric representations and quantum physics .................. 66
László Lovász
How small orbits of periodic homeomorphisms of spheres can
be? ............................................................ 69
Luis Montejano and Evgeny V. Shchepin
Random normal vectors are normal ............................... 74
Hoi H. Nguyen and Van H. Vu
Families of curves with many touchings ......................... 82
János Pach and Géza Tóth
k-monotone interpolation ....................................... 89
Attila Pór
Polytopes and cones in random hyperplane tessellations ......... 91
Rolf Schneider
Tensors, colors, and convex hulls .............................. 97
Pablo Soberón
On the number of non-intersecting hexagons in 3-space ......... 102
József Solymosi and Ching Wong
A vector-sum theorem and the Fermat-Torricelli problem in
normed planes ................................................. 106
Konrad J. Swanepoel
Holes in planar point sets .................................... 111
Pavel Valtr
F-convexity: A short survey ................................... 114
Liping Yuan and Tudor Zamfirescu
Contributed articles
Algebraic vertices of non-convex polyhedra .................... 123
Arseniy Akopyan
Longest convex chains and subadditive ergodicity .............. 125
Gergely Ambrus
Random polytopes and the affine surface area .................. 127
Károly J. Böröczky
Random approximations of convex bodies by ball-polytopes ...... 133
Ferenc Fodor
Globalizing groups ............................................ 135
Augustin Fruchard
А note on a picture-hanging puzzle ............................ 137
Radoslav Fulek
Coin-weighting and different directions of lines .............. 138
Zoltán Füredi
Proof of László Fejes Tóth's zone conjecture .................. 142
Zilin Jiang and Alexandr Polyanskii
Dense regular horoball packings in higher dimensional
hyperbolic spaces ............................................. 143
Robert Thijs Kozma
Approximation of convex bodies by polytopes in the geometric
distance ...................................................... 145
Márton Naszódi
On the gap between translative and lattice kissing numbers
of a convex body .............................................. 148
István Talata
A result in asymmetric Euclidean Ramsey theory ................ 149
Sergei Tsaturian
On the geometry of Alexandrov surfaces ........................ 150
Costin Vilcu