PhD Dissertation; 4/2017 (Leipzig, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLauf T. Economic analysis of sustainable spatial allocations of energy systems: a theoretical examination and an agent-based model of renewable energy systems: diss. … Dr. rer. pol. - Leipzig: Helmholtz centre for environmental research - UFZ, 2016. - xi, 165 p.: ill. - (PhD Dissertation; 4/2017). - Bibliogr.: p.152-162. - ISSN 1860-0387
Шифр: (Pr 1117/2017-4) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ....................................................... II
List of figures ............................................... VII
List of tables .................................................. X
List of abbreviations .......................................... XI

1    Introduction ............................................... 2
1.1  The spatial allocation issue of the energy system .......... 2
1.2  The concept of spatial externalities ....................... 4
1.3  Modelling approaches in the context of RES ................. 6
1.4  Structure of dissertation .................................. 8

2    The model ................................................. 12
2.1  Overview .................................................. 12
2.2  Entities, variables and scales ............................ 14
2.3  The model procedure ....................................... 19
2.4  Sub-models ................................................ 21
     2.4.1  General model structure ............................ 21
     2.4.2  The Spatial Analysis ............................... 23
     2.4.3  The Grid Module .................................... 25
2.5  Evaluation equations ...................................... 28
2.6  Policy scenarios .......................................... 30
2.7  Enhancing the model plausibility .......................... 34
     2.7.1  Overview ........................................... 34
     2.7.2  The harvest potential .............................. 35
     2.7.3  A pattern approach for the remaining parameter ..... 37
2.8  Summary and Conclusion .................................... 39

3    The model evaluation ...................................... 41
3.1  Overview .................................................. 41
3.2  The statistical evaluation model .......................... 42
3.3  The sensitivity analysis for the examination of the
     basic market scenario ..................................... 43
     3.3.1  Overview ........................................... 43
     3.3.2  Efficiency evaluation of the basic market
            scenario ........................................... 45
     3.3.3  Fairness evaluation of the basic market scenario ... 49
3.4  Summary and Conclusion .................................... 54

4    The efficiency and fairness impact of policies ............ 57
4.1  Overview .................................................. 57
4.2  Regulation-based land-use policies ........................ 58
     4.2.1  A general overview about regulation-based 
            land-use policies .................................. 58
     4.2.2  Model Implementation and extension ................. 60
     4.2.3  The sensitivity analysis for the examination of 
            regulation-based land-use policies ................. 62
4.3  Additional market-based policies .......................... 72
     4.3.1  Overview ........................................... 72
     4.3.2  The reference yield model .......................... 74
     4.3.3  Reinforcement costs to producer .................... 81
4.4  Summary and conclusion .................................... 86

5    The role of the regions - Lessons from the cooperative
     game theory and the ABM ................................... 91
5.1  Overview .................................................. 91
5.2  Lessons from the cooperative game theory .................. 93
5.3  The regions' reactions on the transformation process ...... 99
     5.3.1  Overview ........................................... 99
     5.3.2  Spatial externality avoidance strategy ............ 101
     5.3.3  Regional economy encouragement strategy ........... 102
5.4  Lessons from the ABM framework ........................... 103
     5.4.1  Overview .......................................... 103
     5.4.2  Strategy impact on the central welfare 
            components ........................................ 104
     5.4.3  Strategy Impact on the regional net utility of 
            the consumer centres .............................. 110
     5.4.4  Impact of the strategy choice on the fairness
            criteria .......................................... 113
5.5  Summary and conclusion ................................... 115

6    Case study: A scenario based analysis inspired by 
     Germany .................................................. 117
6.1  Overview ................................................. 117
6.2  Model specification ...................................... 118
     6.2.1  The parameter modification ........................ 118
     6.2.2  The applied policy scenario combination ........... 121
6.3  The impact of the Policy Mix on the efficiency and 
     fairness ................................................. 122
6.4  Strategy impact on the welfare components ................ 124
6.5  Strategy impact on the regional net utility of the
     consumer centres ......................................... 132
6.6  Impact of the strategy choice on the fairness criteria ... 134
6.7  Summary and conclusion ................................... 136

7    Discussion and synthesis ................................. 139
7.1  Summary .................................................. 139
7.2  Lessons from the ABM ..................................... 141
7.3  Reflection on the methodological approach ................ 146
7.4  Outlook .................................................. 148

References .................................................... 152
Appendix ...................................................... 163

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