Sudarshan E.C.C. Classical dynamics: a modern perspective (Singapore; Hackensack, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSudarshan E.C.C. Classical dynamics: a modern perspective / E.C.C.Sudarshan, N.Mukunda. - Singapore; Hackensack: World Scientific; [India]: Hindustan book agency, 2016. - xiv, 597 p.: tab. - Ind.: p.581-597. - ISBN 978-982-4713-87-0
Шифр: (И/В2-S91) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction: Newtonian Mechanics ............................ 1
2  Generalized Coordinates and Lagrange's Equations ............. 7
3  The Hamilton and Weiss Variational Principles and the 
   Hamilton Equations of Motion ................................ 13
4  The Relation Between the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian 
   Descriptions ................................................ 23
5  Invariance Properties of the Lagrangian & Hamiltonian 
   Descriptions, Poisson and Lagrange Brackets, and Canonical
   Transformations ............................................. 31
6  Group Properties and Methods of Constructing Canonical
   Transformations ............................................. 45
7  Invariant Measures in Phase Space and Various Forms of
   Development in Time ......................................... 65
8  Theory of Systems with Constraints .......................... 77
9  The Generalized Poisson Bracket and Its Applications ....... 107
10 Dynamical Systems with Infinitely Many Degrees of Freedom 
   and Theory of Fields ....................................... 135
11 Linear and Angular Momentum Dynamical Variables and Their 
   Significance ............................................... 151
12 Sets, Topological Spaces, Groups ........................... 163
13 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras ................................ 177
14 Realizations of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras ................ 205
15 Some Important Lie Groups and Their Lie Algebras ........... 231
16 Relativistic Symmetry in the Hamiltonian Formalism ......... 277
17 The Three-Dimensional Rotation Group ....................... 299
18 The Three-Dimensional Euclidean Group ...................... 351
19 The Galilei Group .......................................... 363
20 The Poincare Group ......................................... 427
21 Manifest Covariance in Hamiltonian Mechanics ............... 495
22 Relativistic Action-at-a-Distance Theories ................. 545
23 Conclusion ................................................. 575
Index ......................................................... 581

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