Forschungsbericht; 2017-12 (Koln, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSurrey S. Helicopter rotor loads prediction and validation based on a fully nonlinear aeroelastic method: Diss. ... Dr. Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Aeroelastik, Göttingen. - Köln: DLR, 2017. - xi, 129 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2017-12). - Bibliogr.: p.111-117. - ISSN 1434-8454
Шифр: (Pr 1120/2017-12) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................ VI
List of Tables ................................................ VII
Nomenclature ................................................... IX

1    Introduction ............................................... 1
1.1  Motivation ................................................. 2
1.2  Literature survey - Aeroelastic rotor load prediction ...... 3
     1.2.1  Structural rotor blade dynamics ..................... 4
     1.2.2  Analysis of helicopter rotor aeroelasticity ......... 5
1.3  Research Objectives ........................................ 9

2    Numerical methods ......................................... 11
2.1  Multibody Dynamics ........................................ 11
     2.1.1  Flexible bodies in MBS ............................. 12
     2.1.2  Finite element interface of SIMPACK ................ 16
2.2  Finite element modeling ................................... 18
2.3  The Computational Fluid Dynamics solver TAU ............... 18
2.4  Tight coupling methodology ................................ 19
     2.4.1  Trim method ........................................ 23
2.5  Comprehensive rotorcode HOST .............................. 25

3    Analysis of the 7A and 7AD structural blade dynamics ...... 27
3.1  Rotor blade geometry ...................................... 27
3.2  Ground vibration testing .................................. 27
3.3  Modeling of the structural blade dynamics ................. 32
     3.3.1  1-D finite element model ........................... 32
     3.3.2  3-D finite element model ........................... 32
     3.3.3  Integration of the finite element models into
            SIMPACK ............................................ 35
3.4  Validation of the non-rotating blade dynamics ............. 37
3.5  Validation of the rotating blade dynamics ................. 41
3.6  Summary of the structural dynamics ........................ 47

4    Aeroelastic simulation of the 7A and 7AD helicopter
     rotor ..................................................... 49
4.1  European wind tunnel campaigns ............................ 49
4.2  CFD mesh setup of the rotor simulations ................... 52
4.3  Numerical simulation of the 7A rotor in high-speed
     forward flight ............................................ 53
     4.3.1  Rotor airload prediction ........................... 55
     4.3.2  Structural blade loads ............................. 59
     4.3.3  Rotor blade motion ................................. 66
     4.3.4  Summary of the coupled 7A rotor simulation in
            high-speed forward flight .......................... 69
4.4  Numerical simulation of the 7A rotor in high thrust
     forward flight ............................................ 70
     4.4.1  Rotor airload prediction ........................... 73
     4.4.2  Structural blade loads ............................. 84
     4.4.3  Summary of the coupled 7A rotor simulation in
            high thrust forward flight ......................... 91
4.5  Numerical simulation of the 7AD rotor in cruise flight .... 92
     4.5.1  Rotor airload prediction ........................... 93
     4.5.2  Structural blade loads ............................. 98
     4.5.3  Rotor blade motion ................................ 103
     4.5.4  Summary of the coupled 7AD rotor simulation in
            cruise flight ..................................... 104

5    Summary and Conclusions .................................. 107
5.1  Assessment of the rotor load prediction accuracy ......... 110
5.2  Perspective .............................................. 112

References .................................................... 113
Appendix ...................................................... 121

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