S. Capriotti and J.C. Мarrero, On Hamilton-Poincare field
equations .................................................... 9-24
J.F. Cariñena, F. Falceto, J. Grabowski and M.F. Rañada,
Revisiting Lie integrability by quadratures from a
geometric perspective ....................................... 25-40
J.F. Cariñena, E. Martínez, G. Marmo, X. Grácia and
M.C. Muñoz-Lecanda, A quantum route to Hamilton-Jacobi
equation: comments and remarks .............................. 41-56
J. Grabowski, A.J. Bruce, K. Grabowska and P. Urbański,
New developments in geometric mechanics ..................... 57-72
S. Gutt, Symplectic space forms and submanifolds ............ 73-85
A. Ibort and A. Spivak, Covariant Hamiltonian first-order
field theories with constraints, on manifolds with
boundary: the case of Hamiltonian dynamics ................. 87-104
B. Janssens and C. Vizman, Central extensions of Lie
algebras of symplectic and divergence free vector fields .. 105-114
J. Jezierski and P. Waluk, Proof of Positive Energy
Theorem by spacetime foliations ........................... 115-120
J. Kijowski, P. Waluk and K. Senger, Wigner function of
a qubit ................................................... 121-129
Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Multiplicativity, from Lie
groups to generalized geometry ............................ 131-166
H.L. Lang, Y. Sheng and X. Xu, Nonabelian omni-Lie
algebras .................................................. 167-176
C.-M. Marle, The works of William Rowan Hamilton in
geometrical optics and the Malus-Dupin theorem ............ 177-191
G.W. Meng, Tulczyjew mechanics for particles in gauge
fields .................................................... 193-199
N. Poncin, Towards integration on colored supermanifolds .. 201-217
O. Rossi, Geometry of variational partial differential
equations and Hamiltonian systems ......................... 219-237
G. Sardanashvily, Noether's theorems in a general
setting. Reducible graded Lagrangians ..................... 239-255
A.M. Vinogradov, Logic of differential calculus and the
zoo of geometric structures ............................... 257-285
E. Vishnyakova, Double extension for commutative n-ary
superalgebras with a skewsymmetric invariant form ......... 287-293
A. Wade, Cosymplectic-Nijenhuis structures on Lie
groupoids ................................................. 295-307
Conference organizers and participants .................... 309-312