G. Banaszak, J. Milewski and P. Waliszewski, Introduction .... 7-11
H. Ahammer, M. Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber and P. Kainz,
Fractal analysis in digital histology ....................... 13-22
A.L. Karperien, H.F. Jelinek and H. Ahammer,
Multifractal formalism in image and time series analysis .... 23-45
A. Khrennikov, p-adic numbers: from superstrings and
molecular motors to cognition and psychology ................ 47-56
A.P. KIRILYUK, New mathematics of complexity and its
biomedical applications ..................................... 57-81
P. Krasoń, J. Milewski, W. Bondarewicz and A. Wojtaszek,
On a generalization of Lissajous curves and its
applications ................................................ 83-98
T. Lulek, Bethe Ansatz, Galois symmetries, and finite
quantum systems ............................................ 99-116
P. Mihăilescu and B. Tams, Current challenges for
biometric security, with focus on fingerprints ............. 117-142
M. Obert, M. Tiefenbach, G. Martels, B. Ahlemeyer,
G.A. Krombach and M. Kampschulte, A numerical method to
differentiate between "pure" and "impure" fractals ......... 143-153
A. Rovenchak, Statistical mechanics approach in the
counting of integer partitions ............................. 155-166
M. Tanase, On computer-aided fractal analysis of growth
processes at tumor-stroma border ........................... 167-182
P. Waliszewski, The circular fractal model of
adenocarcinomas and tumor aggressiveness ................... 183-196