Advances in geometry and mathematical physics: lectures given at the Geometry and Topology Conference at Harvard University in 2014 (Somerville, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in geometry and mathematical physics: lectures given at the Geometry and Topology Conference at Harvard University in 2014 / ed. by Huai-Dong Cao; Shing-Tung Yau. - Somerville: International Press, 2016. - vii, 352 p.: ill. - (Surveys in differential geometry; Vol. XXI). - ISBN 978-1-57146-322-7
Шифр: (И/В31-А22) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii

The size of the singular set of area-minimizing currents
   Camillo De Lellis ............................................ 1
Kahler-Einstein metrics and algebraic structures on limit 
   Simon Donaldson ............................................. 85
Theta functions and mirror symmetry 
   Mark Gross, Bernd Siebert ................................... 95
Higgs bundles and diffeomorphism groups
   Nigel Hitchin .............................................. 139
Topology of the space of cycles and existence of minimal 
   Fernando C. Marques, Andre Neves ........................... 165
Constant mean curvature surfaces
   William H. Meeks III, Joaquín Pérez, Giuseppe Tinaglia ..... 179
Notes on the proof of the KKV conjecture
   Rahul Pandharipande, Richard P. Thomas ..................... 289
Stable birational invariants and the Liiroth problem
   Claire Voisin .............................................. 313
Energy, momentum, and center of mass in general relativity
   Mu-Tao Wang ................................................ 343

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