| Nanocomposite particles for bio-applications: materials and bio-interfaces / ed. by T.Trindade, A.L.Daniel da Silva. - Singapore: Pan Stanford publishing, 2011. - xxii, 289,4 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.283-289. - ISBN 978-981-4267-78-6 Шифр: (И/E-N21) 02
List of Figures ................................................ xi
List of Tables ................................................ xix
Preface ....................................................... xxi
1 From Nanoparticles to Nanocomposites: A Brief Overview ..... 1
1.1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: An introduction ............ 1
1.2 Nanoparticles' Diversity ................................... 3
1.2.1 Quantum dots ........................................ 4
1.2.2 Iron oxides ......................................... 4
1.2.3 Metal nanoparticles ................................. 5
1.3 Surface Modification of Nanoparticles ...................... 7
1.3.1 Ligand exchange reactions ........................... 8
1.3.2 Inorganic nanocoating ............................... 8
1.3.3 Encapsulation in polymers .......................... 10
1.4 Designing Biointerfaces over Nanoparticles ................ 11
1.5 Challenges for the Future ... Nanosafety for Today ........ 14
2 Polymers for Biomedical Applications: Chemical
Modification and Biofunctionalization ..................... 21
2.1 Drug Delivery Systems ..................................... 21
2.2 Hydrogels ч. .............................................. 23
2.2.1 Application of hydrogels ........................... 24
2.2.2 Types of hydrogels ................................. 25
2.3 Bioadhesives .............................................. 30
2.4 Surface Modification ...................................... 34
2.4.1 Surface modification by ultra-violet radiation ..... 36
2.4.2 Plasma treatment ................................... 37 Plasma generation .............................. 37 Plasma polymerization and surface
modification of polymers ...................... 38
2.5 Concluding Remarks ........................................ 39
3 Nanocapsules as Carriers for the Transport and Targeted
Delivery of Bioactive Molecules ........................... 45
3.1 Introduction .............................................. 45
3.2 Polymeric Nanocapsules: Production and Characterization ... 45
3.2.1 Nanocapsules made of synthetic polymers ............ 47 Polyacrylate nanocapsules ...................... 47 Polyester nanocapsules ......................... 49
3.2.2 Nanocapsules made of natural polymers .............. 50
3.2.3 Lipid nanocapsules ................................. 51
3.3 Therapeutical Applications of Nanocapsules ................ 52
3.3.1 Nanocapsules for oral drug delivery ................ 52 Nanocapsules for oral peptide delivery ......... 52 Nanocapsules for oral delivery of lipophilic
low molecular weight drugs ..................... 54
3.3.2 Nanocapsules as nasal drug carriers ................ 55
3.3.3 Nanocapsules as ocular drug carriers ............... 56
3.3.4 Nanocapsules in cancer therapy ..................... 58
3.3.5 Nanocapsules as carriers for gene therapy .......... 59
3.4 Conclusions ............................................... 60
4 Inorganic Nanoparticles Biofunctionalization .............. 69
4.1 Bioconjugation of Nanoparticles ........................... 69
4.2 Nanoparticles and Their Surface Properties ................ 70
4.2.1 Surface capping of nanoparticles ................... 70
4.2.2 Semiconductor quantum dots and metallic
nanoparticles ...................................... 71
4.2.3 Silica nanoparticles and silica encapsulation ...... 72
4.3 Attachment Schemes ........................................ 74
4.3.1 Covalent attachment ................................ 74
4.3.2 Non-covalent attachment ............................ 75
4.3.3 Affinity binding ................................... 76
4.4 Specific Cases ............................................ 76
4.4.1 Proteins ........................................... 76
4.4.2 DNA ................................................ 78
4.4.3 Avidin ............................................. 79
4.4.4 Phospholipid encapsulation and functionalization ... 81
4.5 Applications .............................................. 83
4.5.1 Cellular imaging ................................... 83
4.5.2 Drug delivery ...................................... 84
4.5.3 Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer .......... 86
4.5.4 Hyperthermia ....................................... 87
4.6 Conclusion ................................................ 88
5 Silica-Based Materials: Bioprocesses and Nanocomposites ... 97
5.1 Natural Silica Nanocomposites ............................. 97
5.1.1 Introduction ....................................... 97
5.1.2 Diatom biosilica ................................... 98
5.1.3 Sponge biosilica ................................... 99
5.1.4 (Bio)-technological applications of biosilica ..... 100
5.2 Biomimetic Silica Nanocomposites ......................... 102
5.2.1 Introduction ...................................... 102
5.2.2 Silica nanocomposites based on natural templates .. 102
5.2.3 Silica nanocomposites based on model templates .... 103 Synthetic peptides ............................ 103 Synthetic polyamines .......................... 103 Biological templates .......................... 105
5.2.4 Biomimetism: How far can we go? ................... 106
5.3 Bio-Inspired Silica Nanocomposites ....................... 107
5.3.1 Introduction ...................................... 107
5.3.2 Biotechnological and medical applications ......... 107
5.3.3 Perspectives ...................................... 109
6 Synthetic Strategies for Polymer-Based Nanocomposite
Particles ................................................ 115
6.1 Introduction ............................................. 115
6.2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Chemical Modification of
Nanoparticles ............................................ 117
6.3 In situ Synthetic Strategies for Polymer-Based Colloidal
Nanocomposites ........................................... 120
6.3.1 In situ preparation of the fillers ................ 121 Sol-gel methods ............................... 121
6.3.2 In situ polymerization of the matrix .............. 123 Organic solvent-based methods: Dispersion
polymerization ................................ 124 Water-based methods: Emulsion and
miniemulsion polymerization ................... 125
6.3.3 Controlled polymerization: Surface initiated
polymerization (SIP) .............................. 128 Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization—ATRP ..... 128 Reversible Addition Fragmentation chain
transfer (RAFT) polymerization ................ 130 Combined controlled polymerization
mechanisms .................................... 132
6.4 Functionalization of Polymer-Based Nanocomposites for
Bio-Applications ......................................... 132
6.5 Final Remarks ............................................ 134
7 Synthesis of Nanocomposite Particles Using Supercritical
Fluids: A Bridge with Bio-applications ................... 145
7.1 Introduction ............................................. 145
7.2 Supercritical Fluids: Definition and Current use in
Bio-Applications ......................................... 146
7.2.1 Definition ........................................ 146
7.2.2 SCFs in biomedical applications ................... 148 Development of drag delivery systems .......... 148 scCCb for purification and sterilization ...... 150
7.3 Can SCFs be Used to Introduce Inorganic NPs into
Polymers? ................................................ 150
7.3.1 Formation of hybrid organic-inorganic NPs in SCFs
(route 1) ......................................... 152
7.3.2 Encapsulation of inorganic NPs into a polymer
shell (route 2) ................................... 153
7.3.3 Polymer swelling and in situ growth of inorganic
NPs (route 3) ..................................... 154 Polymer swelling by scC02 ..................... 155 Chemical transformation of impregnated metal
precursor ..................................... 155
7.4 Conclusions .............................................. 157
8 Biocomposites Containing Magnetic Nanoparticles .......... 165
8.1 Introduction ............................................. 165
8.2 Magnetic Properties ...................................... 167
8.2.1 Magnetism at nanoscale level: Concepts and main
phenomena ......................................... 167 Basic concepts ................................ 167 Systems with interactions between magnetic
centers ....................................... 168 Superparamagnetism ............................ 169
8.2.2 Magnetism concepts subjacent to bio-applicatons ... 172 Magnetic separation and drug delivery ......... 172 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) .............. 172 Magnetic hyperthermia ......................... 173
8.3 Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-Applications .............. 175
8.3.1 Iron oxide nanoparticles .......................... 175
8.3.2 Metallic nanoparticles ............................ 176
8.3.3 Metal alloy nanoparticles ......................... 177
8.3.4 Bimagnetic nanoparticles .......................... 177
8.4 Strategies of Synthesis of Magnetic Biocomposite
Nanoparticles ............................................ 178
8.4.1 In situ formation of magnetic nanoparticles ....... 179 Iron oxide nanoparticles ...................... 180 Other magnetic nanoparticles .................. 183
8.4.2 Encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles within
biopolymers ....................................... 185
8.5 Conclusions and Future Outlook ........................... 186
9 Multifunctional Nanocomposite Particles for Biomedical
Applications ............................................. 193
9.1 Introduction ............................................. 193
9.2 Types of Multifunctional Magnetic-Fluorescent
Nanocomposites ........................................... 194
9.3 Main Approaches to the Preparation of Multifunctional
Magnetic-Fluorescent Nanocomposites ...................... 195
9.3.1 Silica coated magnetic-fluorescent nanoparticles .. 196
9.3.2 Organic polymer coated magnetic cores treated
with fluorescent entities ......................... 198
9.3.3 Ionic assemblies of magnetic cores and
fluorescent entities .............................. 199
9.3.4 Fluorescently-labeled lipid coated magnetic
nanoparticles ..................................... 200
9.3.5 Magnetic core directly linked to fluorescent
entity via a molecular spacer ..................... 201
9.3.6 Magnetic cores coated by fluorescent
semiconducting shells ............................. 201
9.3.7 Magnetically-doped QDs ............................ 202
9.3.8 Magnetic nanoparticles and QDs embedded within
a polymer or silica matrix ........................ 203
9.4 Biomedical Applications .................................. 204
9.4.1 Bio-imaging probes ................................ 204
9.4.2 Cell tracking, sorting and bioseparation .......... 206
9.4.3 Applications in nanomedicine ...................... 208
9.5 Conclusions and Future Outlook ........................... 210
10 Bio-Applications of Functionalized Magnetic
Nanoparticles and Their Nanocomposites ................... 217
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 217
10.2 Fundaments of Nanomagnetism .............................. 220
10.2.1 Single-domain particles ........................... 220
10.2.2 Magnetic anisotropy energy ........................ 220
10.2.3 Superparamagnetisin ............................... 221
10.3 Fundaments of Colloidal Stability ........................ 223
10.4 Bio-Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles ............... 224
10.4.1 Magnetic separation ............................... 224
10.4.2 Drug delivery ..................................... 225
10.4.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) .......... 227 Contrast agents based on superparamagnetic
nanomagnets ................................... 228
10.4.4 Magnetobiosensors ................................. 231 Magnetobiosensors based on
magnetorelaxometry ............................ 232 Magnetobiosensors based on magnetoresistance .. 233 Magnetosensors based on Hall effect ........... 234 Magnetoplasmonics ............................. 234
10.4.5 Magnetic hyperthermia ............................. 235
10.5 Summary and Outlook ...................................... 238
11 Anti-Microbial Polymer Nanocomposites .................... 249
11.1 Introduction ............................................. 249
11.1.1 Packaging ......................................... 250
11.1.2 Textiles .......................................... 250
11.1.3 Coatings .......................................... 252 Antimicrobial coatings ........................ 252 Medicine, pathology and surgical implants/
biomedical coatings ........................... 253
11.2 Anti-Microbial Polymer-Based Nanocomposites .............. 253
11.3 Mechanisms of Antibacterial Action ....................... 256
11.3.1 Detection of microbes ............................. 256
11.3.2 Control of microbial growth ....................... 257
11.4 Environmental and Health Concerns ........................ 260
12 Biosensing Applications Using Nanoparticles .............. 265
12.1 Biosensors: A Definition ................................. 265
12.2 Uses of Gold Nanoparticles ............................... 266
12.2.1 Tailoring biointerfaces over gold nanoparticles ... 267
12.2.2 Biosensing applications of gold nanoparticles ..... 268 Crosslinking-based biosensing ................. 269 Non-crosslinking-based biosensing ............. 272
12.3 Semiconductor Quantum Dots ............................... 273
12.3.1 Properties of quantum dots ........................ 273
12.3.2 Biosensing with quantum dots ...................... 273 Immunosensing ................................. 274 DNA assays .................................... 274 Resonance energy transfer-based assays ........ 275
12.4 Outlook Remarks .......................................... 277
Index ......................................................... 283