Gnecco E. Elements of friction theory and nanotribology (Cambridge, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGnecco E. Elements of friction theory and nanotribology / E.Gnecco, E.Meyer. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2015. - xiii, 303 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.285-300. - Ind.: p.301-303. - ISBN 978-1-107-00623-2
Шифр: (И/К4-G56) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Historical notes ........................................ 1
2  Dry friction and damped oscillators .......................... 5
   2.1  Amontons' law ........................................... 5
   2.2  Applications to representative mechanical systems ....... 7
   2.3  Viscous friction ....................................... 12

Part I  Elastic Contacts ....................................... 17

3  Elements of the theory of elasticity ........................ 19
   3.1  Strain ................................................. 19
   3.2  Stress ................................................. 20
   3.3  Isotropic elastic materials ............................ 21
   3.4  Equilibrium of elastic bodies .......................... 24
   3.5  Elastic waves .......................................... 25
4  Normal contacts ............................................. 27
   4.1  Pressure on an elastic half-space ...................... 27
   4.2  Indentation of an elastic half-space ................... 31
   4.3  The Hertz theory ....................................... 33
   4.4  Beyond the Hertz theory ................................ 39
   4.5  Influence of friction on normal contact ................ 41
5  Tangential contacts ......................................... 44
   5.1  Traction on an elastic half-space ...................... 44
   5.2  Partial slip ........................................... 46
   5.3  Sliding of elastic objects ............................. 50
   5.4  Influence of oscillating forces ........................ 52
6  Elastic rolling ............................................. 54
   6.1  Steady elastic rolling ................................. 54
   6.2  Three-dimensional rolling .............................. 57
   6.3  Sphere in a groove ..................................... 59
   6.4  Tire mechanics ......................................... 60
7  Beams, plates and layered materials ......................... 62
   7.1  Elastic deformation of beams ........................... 62
   7.2  Plate theory ........................................... 66
   7.3  Elastic instabilities .................................. 68
   7.4  Shells ................................................. 69
   7.5  Indentation of elastic plates .......................... 70
   7.6  Indentation of thin elastic layers ..................... 71

Part II  Advanced Contact Mechanics ............................ 73

8  Rough contacts .............................................. 75
   8.1  Surface roughness ...................................... 75
   8.2  Early models of rough contacts ......................... 78
   8.3  The Persson theory ..................................... 81
   8.4  Advanced concepts in the Persson theory ................ 85
   8.5  Contact of wavy surfaces ............................... 88
9  Viscoelastic contacts ....................................... 90
   9.1  Stress-strain relation ................................. 90
   9.2  Constitutive models .................................... 92
   9.3  Viscoelastic indentation ............................... 95
   9.4  Rubber friction ........................................ 97
   9.5  Rolling on viscoelastic bodies ......................... 99
10 Adhesive contacts .......................................... 101
   10.1 The Johnson-Kendall-Roberts model ..................... 101
   10.2 The Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov model .................... 102
   10.3 The Maugis-Dugdale model .............................. 103
   10.4 The Persson theory with adhesion ...................... 105
   10.5 Adhesion in biological systems ........................ 108
   11 Thermal and electric effects ............................ 109
   11.1 Thermal effects in polymers ........................... 109
   11.2 Flash temperature ..................................... 110
   11.3 Heat transfer between rough surfaces .................. 112
   11.4 Electric contact resistance ........................... 113
12 Plastic contacts ........................................... 115
   12.1 Plasticity ............................................ 115
   12.2 Criteria of yielding .................................. 118
   12.3 Plastic flow .......................................... 120
   12.4 Plastic indentation ................................... 120
   12.5 Compression and traction of a plastic wedge ........... 122
   12.6 Hardness .............................................. 124
   12.7 Plowing ............................................... 125
   12.8 Elastic-plastic indentation ........................... 126
   12.9 Rolling on plastically deformed bodies ................ 129
   12.10 Rough plastic contacts ............................... 130
   12.11 Plasticity of geomaterials ........................... 131
13 Fracture ................................................... 133
   13.1 Fracture modes ........................................ 133
   13.2 The Griffith criterion ................................ 135
   13.3 Dynamic fracture ...................................... 136
   13.4 Fracture in rubber-like materials ..................... 138
14 Stick-slip ................................................. 140
   14.1 Stick-slip ............................................ 140
   14.2 Contact ageing ........................................ 141
   14.3 Lubricated friction ................................... 142
   14.4 The Burridge-Knopoff model ............................ 146
   14.5 Plastic flow .......................................... 148
   14.6 Earthquakes ........................................... 151

Part III Nanotribology ........................................ 153

15 Atomic-scale stick-slip .................................... 155
   15.1 The Prandtl-Tomlinson model ........................... 155
   15.2 Energy barrier ........................................ 159
   15.3 Thermal effects ....................................... 161
   15.4 Long jumps ............................................ 163
   15.5 Dynamic superlubricity ................................ 165
   15.6 Constant driving force ................................ 165
   15.7 The Frenkel-Kontorova model ........................... 168
   15.8 Electronic and phononic friction ...................... 170
16 Atomic-scale stick-slip in two dimensions .................. 174
   16.1 The Prandtl-Tomlinson model in two dimensions ......... 174
   16.2 Structural lubricity .................................. 178
   16.3 Sliding of adsorbate layers ........................... 180
17 Instrumental and computational methods in nanotribology .... 183
   17.1 Atomic force microscopy ............................... 183
   17.2 Other scanning probe modes ............................ 186
   17.3 Other experimental techniques in nanotribology ........ 188
   17.4 Molecular dynamics and nanotribology: methods ......... 190
   17.5 Molecular dynamics and nanotribology: results ......... 191
18 Experimental results in nanotribology ...................... 196
   18.1 Friction measurements on the atomic scale ............. 196
   18.2 Lateral and normal stiffness .......................... 199
   18.3 Load dependence of nanoscale friction ................. 200
   18.4 Velocity dependence of nanoscale friction ............. 201
   18.5 Temperature dependence of nanoscale friction .......... 202
   18.6 Effect of contact vibrations .......................... 203
   18.7 Friction anisotropy ................................... 204
19 Nanomanipulation ........................................... 207
   19.1 Contact mode manipulation ............................. 207
   19.2 Dynamic mode manipulation ............................. 208
   19.3 Nanoparticle trajectories during AFM manipulation ..... 209
   19.4 Lifting up molecular chains ........................... 214
20 Wear on the nanoscale ...................................... 216
   20.1 Wear on the nanoscale ................................. 216
   20.2 Surface rippling ...................................... 220
21 Non-contact friction ....................................... 224
   21.1 Experimental methods to measure non-contact friction .. 226
   21.2 Internal friction of cantilevers ...................... 228
   21.3 Origins of non-contact friction ....................... 231
   21.4 Giant non-contact friction ............................ 237
   21.5 Near-contact friction ................................. 237

Part IV Lubrication ........................................... 241

22 Drag in a viscous fluid .................................... 243
   22.1 The Navier-Stokes equation ............................ 243
   22.2 Flow of a viscous fluid ............................... 245
   22.3 Motion in a viscous fluid ............................. 247
   22.4 Boundary layers and skin friction ..................... 250
   22.5 Drag crisis ........................................... 253
   22.6 Streamlined bodies .................................... 253
23 Lubrication ................................................ 256
   23.1 Нуdrodynamic lubrication .............................. 256
   23.2 Elastohydrodynamic lubrication ........................ 262
   23.3 Hydrostatic lubrication ............................... 262
   23.4 Solid lubrication ..................................... 263
24 Viscous phenomena in confined or spreading liquids ......... 265
   24.1 The Eyring model ...................................... 265
   24.2 Capillary bridges ..................................... 267
   24.3 Fluid flow between rough surfaces ..................... 270
   24.4 Squeezed films ........................................ 272
   24.5 Spreading of liquids .................................. 275

Appendix A  Friction force microscopy ......................... 278
Appendix В Viscosity of gases ................................. 282
Appendix С Slip conditions .................................... 284
References .................................................... 285
Index ......................................................... 301

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