Advanced diffusion processes and phenomena: special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only (Durnten-Zurich, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvanced diffusion processes and phenomena: special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only / ed. by A.Öchsner, G.Murch, I.Belova. - Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2014. - viii, 246 p.: ill., tab. - (Defect and diffusion forum; vol.354). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Keyword ind.: p.243-244. - Auth. ind.: p.245-246. - ISBN 978-3-03835-131-3; ISSN 1012-0386
Шифр: (И/B37-A22) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
An Improved Heat Equation to Model Ductile-to-Brittle Failure
Mode Transition at High Strain Rates Using Fully Coupled
Thermal-Structural Finite Element Analysis
   L. Écsi and P. Élesztös ...................................... 1
Estimating the Permeability of Ferrite-Polymer Composite via
a Numerical Optimization Method
   R. Al-Habashi, Z. Abbas and A. Gasia ........................ 25
Numerical Modeling of Solidification Substitute - Thermal
Capacity of Binary Alloy
   B. Mochnacki and R. Szopa ................................... 33
Plasma Polymerization of Hexamethyldisiloxane and
Tetraethoxysilane Thin Films for Humidity Sensing Application
   N. Guermat, A. Bellel, S. Sahli, Y. Segui and P. Raynaud .... 41
Study of Modification of PP/EPDM Compounds by Ultraviolet and
Gamma Radiation Using Recycled Polypropylene Collected after
EPDM Waste Processing as Raw Materials
   N.C. Pereira, M.C. Terence, D.F. Bruzadin, G.J.M. Fechine,
   L.F. de Miranda and R.M. Peres .............................. 49
The Relation between Drift, Entropy Distribution and
Kirkendall Plane Position during Diffusion
   B. Wierzba, W. Skibiiiski and M. Danielewski ................ 67
Neural Network-Based Prediction of Effective Heat Storage
Coefficient of Building Materials
   R. Singh and M. Dabas ....................................... 73
An Overview of the Interdiffusion Studies in Mo-Si and W-Si
   S. Roy, S. Prasad and A. Paul ............................... 79
Competitive Precipitation and Recrystallization in
U-7.5Nb-2.5Zr Alloy
   D.A. Lopes, T.A.G. Restivo and A.F. Padilha ................. 85
Phase Transformations and Recrystallization in Cold-Rolled
Al-Mn, Al-Sc-Zr and Al-Mn-Sc-Zr Alloy
   M. Vlach, I. Stuliková, B. Smola, H. Kudrnova, T. Kekule,
   J. Málek and V. Očenášek .................................... 93
Use of Cellular Automata for Modelling of the Material
Erosion and Grit Entrainment during Discharge in EDM
   A. Golabczak, A. Konstantynowicz and M. Golabczak .......... 101
Nanostructuring of Ni by Various Modes of Severe Plastic
   V.V. Popov, E.N. Popova, D.D. Kuznetsov, A.V. Stolbovsky,
   E.V. Shorohov, G. Reglitz, S.V. Divinski and G. Wilde ...... 109
Diffusion in an Ensemble of Intersecting Grain Boundaries
   A.N. Aleshin and P.B. Straumal ............................. 121
Solution of Direct and Inverse Problems for Infiltration and
Contaminant Adsorption in Partially Saturated Porous Media
   J. Kačur and J. Minár ...................................... 129
Pulse Carburization of Steel - Model of the Process
   M. Zajusz, K. Tkacz-Śmiech, K. Dychton and M. Danielewski .. 145
Isotope Exchange between 18О2 Gas and Mechanoactivated
Oxides of the Family Rare Earth - Manganese - Oxygen
   A.Y. Fishman, G.A. Kozhina, Т.Е. Kurennykh, E.V. Vykhodets
   and V.B. Vykhodets ......................................... 153
Diffusion of Oxygen in Ti-15Mo-xZr Alloys Studied by
Anelastic Spectroscopy
   F.B. Vicente and C.R. Grandini ............................. 159
Characterization of the Effects of Active Filler-Metal
Alloys in Joining Ceramic-to-Ceramic and Ceramic-to-Metal
   D. Aliya, L.W. Walker, E. Montz, S. Pastor, A. Abad,
   F.A. Hashim, A. Abdul-Latif, A.O. Al-Roubaiy, Y.S. Oh,
   H. Garmestani, N. Ula and O.S. Es-Said ..................... 167
Test Matrix for Heat Exposure of Aluminum Alloys at Various
Times and Temperatures
   A. Al-Abduljabbar and O.S. Es-Said ......................... 175
Specific Features of Interfaces in Cu-Nb Nanocomposites
   E.N. Popova, I.L. Deryagina, E.G. Valova-Zaharevskaya,
   A.V. Stolbovsky, N.E. Khlebova and V.I. Pantsyrny .......... 183
Effects of High Reynolds Number Impinging Jet on the Heat
Conduction in Work-Pieces Irradiated by a Moving Heat Source
   O. Manca, S. Nardini, D. Ricci and S. Tamburrino ........... 189
About Thermo-Hydraulic Properties of Open Cell Foams: Pore
Scale Numerical Analysis of Strut Shapes
   P. Kumar and F. Topin ...................................... 195
The Role of Surface Area of ZnO Nanoparticles as an Agent
for some Chemical Reactions
   M.S. Alnarabiji, N. Yahya, S.B.A. Hamid, K. Azizi,
   M. Kashif, S. Qureshi and B. Alqasem ....................... 201
On a Finite Element Approach to Predict the Thermal
Conductivity of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials
   R. Makvandi and A. Öchsner ................................. 215
A Thermo-Mechanical Model for a Counterflow Biomass Gasifier
   M.J.S. de Lemos ............................................ 227
Lattice Boltzmann Method Applied to Diffusion in
Restructured Heterogeneous Media
   E. Walther, R. Bennacer and C. Desa ........................ 237

Keyword Index ................................................. 243
Author Index .................................................. 245

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