Banach center publications; vol.107 (Warszawa, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBanach center publications. Vol.107: Constructive approximation of functions / eds. of the vol. L.Bia łas-Ciez, M.Kosek. - Warszawa: Inst. mat. PAN, 2015. - 214 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-83-86806-30-0; ISSN 0137-6934
Шифр: (Pr 1153/N 107) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of participants ......................................... 8-10
G. Alpan and A. Goncharov, Widom factors for the Hilbert
   norm ..................................................... 11-18
Z. Ambroży and W. Pawłucki, On the implicit function 
   theorem in o-minimal structures .......................... 19-21
M. Baran, Polynomial inequalities in Banach spaces .......... 23-42
M.T. Belghiti, B. El Ammari and L.P. Gendre,
   Approximation polynomial dans des classes de jets ........ 43-62
H.-p. Blatt, Maximally convergent rational approximants of 
   meromorphic functions .................................... 63-78
L. Bos and S. Ma'u, Transfinite diameter on curves, Hankel 
   determinants and the moment problem ..................... 79-100
E. Ciechanowicz, Selected results of the theory of value
   distribution and growth of meromorphic functions ....... 101-118
P. Dolbeault, On a noncommutative algebraic geometry ...... 119-131
S. Friedland and M. Stawiska, Some approximation problems
   in semi-algebraic geometry ............................. 133-147
O. Günyüz and V. Zakharyuta, On Polya's theorem in 
   several complex variables .............................. 149-157
С.O. Kiselman, Weak lineal convexity ...................... 159-174
M. Klimek, Stochastic characterization of
   plurisubharmonicity and convexity of functions ......... 175-181
A. Kowalska, Tangential Markov inequality in Lp norms ..... 183-193
E.A. Poletsky and K.R. Shrestha, On weighted Hardy 
   spaces on the unit disk ................................ 195-204
S. Şahin, Monge-Ampere Measures and Poletsky-Stessin
   Hardy spaces on bounded hyperconvex domains ............ 205-214

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