Quantum gas experiments: exploring many-body states (London, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаQuantum gas experiments: exploring many-body states / eds.: P.Torma, K.Sengstock. - London: Imperial college press, 2015. - vi, 332 p.: ill. - (Cold atoms; vol.3). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-1-78326-474-2; ISSN 2045-9734
Шифр: (И/В31-Q23) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   P. Törmä and K. Sengstock
2  Making an Ultracold Gas ...................................... 5
   D. Jervis and J.H. Thywissen
3  Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices ........................... 33
   P. Barmettler and C. Kollath
4  Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Gases ...................... 63
   S. Kokkelmans
5  Specific Optical Lattices ................................... 87
   P. Windpassinger and K. Sengstock
6  In Situ Imaging of Atomic Quantum Gases .................... 101
   C.-L. Hung and C. Chin
7  Fluorescence Imaging of Quantum Gases ...................... 121
   C. Weitenberg
8  Quantum Noise Correlation Experiments with- Ultracold 
   Atoms ...................................................... 145
   S. Fölling
9  The BCS-BEC Crossover ...................................... 179
   M.M. Parish
10 Spectroscopies - Theory .................................... 199
   P. Törmä
11 Spectroscopic Tools for Experiments with Ultracold
   Fermions in Optical Lattices ............................... 251
   L. Tarruell
12 Hybrid Quantum Systems of Atoms and Ions ................... 267
   C. Sias and M. Köhl
13 Dipolar Gases - Theory ..................................... 293
   L. Santos
14 Dipolar Gases - Experiment ................................. 311
   E.A.L. Henn, J. Billy, and T. Pfau

Index ......................................................... 327

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