Mass spectrometry in metabolomics: methods and protocols (New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMass spectrometry in metabolomics: methods and protocols / ed. by D.Raftery. - New York: Humana press, 2014. - xvi, 360 p.: ill., tab. - (Methods in molecular biology; 1198) (Springer protocols). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.355-360. - ISBN 978-1-4939-1257-5; ISSN 1064-3745
Шифр: (Pr 852/1198) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Contributors ................................................. xiii

Part I  Historical and Methodology Overview
1  Overview of Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics:
   Opportunities and Challenges ................................. 3
   G.A. Nagano, Gowda and Danijel Djukovic

Part II  Global LC-MS Based Metabolic Profiling
2  Global Metabolic Profiling Using Ultra-Performance liquid
   Chromatography/Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry .. 15
   Yunpeng Qi, Yunlong Song, Haiwei Gu, Guorong Fan,
   and Yifeng Chai
3  LC-MS Profiling to Link Metabolic and Phenotypic Diversity
   in Plant Mapping Populations ................................ 29
   Camilla B. Hill, Antony Bacic, and Ute Roessner
4  Mitochondrial Metabolomics Using High-Resolution
   Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry ......................... 43
   Young-Mi Go, Karan Uppal, Douglas I. Walker, ViLinh Tran,
   Lauriane Dury, Frederick H. Strobel, Hél&eagrave;ne Baubichon-
   Cortay, Kurt D. Pennell, James R. Roede, and Dean P. Jones
5  Sample Preparation Methods for LC-MS-Based Global Aqueous
   Metabolite Profiling ........................................ 75
   Antoni Beltran, Sara Samino, and Oscar Yanes

Part III. Global GC MS and CE-MS Based Metabolic Profiling
6 Methods of Discovery-Based and Targeted Metabolite Analysis
   by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
   with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Detection ............. 83
   Luke C. Marney, Jamin C. Hoggard, Kristen J. Skogerboe,
   and Robert E. Synovec
7  Analysis of Mouse Liver Metabolites by GC × GC-TOF MS ....... 99
   Xue Shi, Xinmin Yin, and Xiang Zhang
8  Metabolite Fingerprinting by Capillary Electrophoresis-
   Mass Spectrometry .......................................... 107
   Antonia Garcia, Shama Naz, and Coral Barbas

Part IV  Isotope Labeling Methods
9  Quantitative Metabolomic Profiling Using Dansylation
   Isotope Labeling and Liquid Chromatography Mass
   Spectrometry ............................................... 127
   Ruokun Zhou and Liang Li
10 Quantitative Analysis of Amino and Organic Acids
   by Methyl Chloroformate Derivatization and GC-MS/MS
   Analysis ................................................... 137
   Hans Fredrik Nyvold Kvitvang, Kare A. Kristiansen, Stina
   K. Lien, and Per Bruheim
11 Stable Isotope-Labeled Tracers for Metabolic Pathway
   Elucidation by GC-MS and FT-MS ............................. 147
   Richard M. Higashi, Teresa W.-M. Fan, Pawel
   K. Lorkiewicz, Hunter N.B. Moseley, and Andrew N. Lane

Part V  Targeted Aqueous Metabolite Profiling
12 Multiplexed, Quantitative, and Targeted Metabolite
   Profiling by LC-MS/MRM ..................................... 171
   Ru Wei, Guodong Li, and Albert B. Seymour

Part VI  Lipid and Bile Acid Profiling Methods
13 Multidimensional Mass Spectrometry-Based Shotgun
   Lipidomics ................................................. 203
   Miao Wang and Xianlin Han
14 Comprehensive Quantitative Determination of PUFA-Related
   Bioactive Lipids for Functional Lipidomics Using High-
   Resolution Mass Spectrometry ............................... 221
   Mojgan Masoodi and Dietrich A. Volmer
15 Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
   Targeted Profiling of Bile Acids: Application to Serum,
   Liver Tissue, and Cultured Cells of Different Species ...... 233
   Juan Carlos García-Cañaveras, María Teresa Donate, and
   Agustín Lahoz

Part VII  Profiling Volatile Organic Compounds
16 Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaled Breath
   by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Combined with
   Chemometric Analysis ....................................... 251
   Jan W. Dallinga, Agnieszka Smolinska, and Frederik-Jan van
17 Headspace SPME-GC-MS Metabolomics Analysis of Urinary
   Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) .......................... 265
   Shucha Zhang and Daniel Raftery

Part VIII  Profiling and Imaging Using Atomospheric Sampling
18 Metabolite Profiling by Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass
   Spectrometry .............................................. 275
   Christina M. Jones, María Eugenia Monge, and Facundo
   M. Fernández
19 Analysis of Dried Blood Spots Using DESI Mass
   Spectrometry ............................................... 291
   Justin M. Wiseman and Joseph H. Kennedy
20 DESI-MS Imaging of Lipids and Metabolites from Biological
   Samples .................................................... 299
   Livia S. Eberlin
21 Metabolic Imaging Using NanostructureTnitiator Mass
   Spectrometry (NIMS) ........................................ 313
   Katherine B. Louie and Trent R. Northen

Part IX Statistical Analysis Methods
22 Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Mass Spectrometry-
   Based Metabolomics Data .................................... 333
   Bowei Xi, Haiwei Gu, Hamid Baniasadi, and Daniel Raftery

Index ......................................................... 355

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