Cryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols (New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols / ed. by W.F.Wolkers, H.Oldenhof. - 3rd ed. - New York: Humana press, 2015. - xiii, 509 p.: ill., tab. - (Methods in molecular biology; 1257) (Springer protocols). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-1-4939-2192-8; ISSN 1064-3745
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Оглавление / Contents
Dedication ...................................................... v
Preface ....................................................... vii
Contributors ................................................... xi

Part I. Fundamental Aspects and Freezing Technology
1  Principles of Cryopreservation ............................... 3
   David E. Pegg
2  Principles of Cryopreservation by Vitrification ............. 21
   Gregory M. Fahy and Brian Wowk
3  Modeling and Optimization of Cryopreservation ............... 83
   James D. Benson
4  The Principles of Freeze-Drying ............................ 121
   Gerald D.J. Adams, Isobel Cook, and Kevin R. Ward

Part II. Methods to Study Freezing and Drying Processes
5  Use of In Situ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
   to Study Freezing and Drying of Cells ...................... 147
   Willem F. Wolkers and Harriette Oldenhof
6  Calorimetric Analysis of Cryopreservation and Freeze-
   Drying Formulations ........................................ 163
   Wendell Q. Sun
7  Measurement of Intracellular Ice Formation Kinetics by
   High-Speed Video Cryomicroscopy ............................ 181
   Jens O.M. Karlsson
8  Laser Scanning Microscopy in Cryobiology ................... 229
   Frank Stracke, Asger Kreiner-Møller, and Heiko Zimmermann
9  Low-Temperature Electron Microscopy: Techniques and
   Protocols .................................................. 243
   Roland A. Fleck

Part III  Cryopreservation Protocols
10 Cryopreservation of Semen from Domestic Livestock .......... 277
   Harald Sieme and Harriëtte Oldenhof
11 Cryopreservation of Mammalian Oocytes ...................... 289
   Victoria Keros and Barry J. Fuller
12 Vitrification: A Simple and Successful Method for
   Cryostorage of Human Blastocysts ........................... 305
   Juergen Liebermann
13 Efficient Cryopreservation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
   by Surface-Based Vitrification ............................. 321
   Julia C. Neubauer, Axel F. Beier, Niels Geijsen, and
   Heiko Zimmermann
14 Cryopreservation of Greenshell™ Mussel (Perna canaliculus)
   Sperm ...................................................... 329
   Serean L. Adams, John F. Smith, Jolene Taylor, Lindsay
   T. McGowan, and H. Robin Tervit
15 Membrane Modification Strategies for Cryopreservation ...... 337
   Phillip H. Purdy and James K. Graham
16 Sperm Cleanup and Centrifugation Processing for
   Cryopreservation ........................................... 343
   Harald Sieme and Harriette Oldenhof
17 Cryopreservation of Red Blood Cells ........................ 353
   Johan W. Lagerberg
18 Cord Blood Clinical Processing, Cryopreservation, and
   Storage .................................................... 369
   Heidi Elmoazzen and Jelena L. Holovati
19 Directional Freezing for Large Volume Cryopreservation ..... 381
   Joseph Saragusty
20 Vitrification of Heart Valve Tissues ....................... 399
   Kelvin G.M. Brockbank, Zhenzhen Chen, Elizabeth D. Greene,
   and Lia H. Campbell
21 Cryopreservation of Plant Cell Lines ....................... 423
   Heinz Martin Schumacher, Martina Westphal, and Elke
22 Writing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for
   Cryostorage Protocols: Using Shoot Meristem
   Cryopreservation as an Example ............................. 431
   Keith Harding and Erica E. Benson

Part IV Freeze-Drying Protocols
23 Freeze-Drying of Proteins .................................. 459
   Baolin Liu and Xinli Zhou
24 Freeze-Drying of Lactic Acid Bacteria ...................... 477
   Fernanda Fonseca, Stéphanie Cenard, and Stéphanie Passot
25 Freeze-Drying of Mammalian Sperm ........................... 489
   Levent Keskintepe and AH Eroglu
26 Freeze-Drying of Decellularized Heart Valve Tissues ........ 499
   Willem F. Wolkers and Andres Hilfiker

Index ......................................................... 507

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