| Birks N. Introduction to the high-temperature oxidation of metals / N.Birks, G.H.Meier, F.S.Pettit. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - xii, 338 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.336-338.
- ISBN 978-0-521-48042-0 Шифр: (И/К6-В61) 02
Acknowledgements .......................................... viii
Preface ..................................................... ix
Introduction ................................................ xi
1 Methods of investigation ..................................... 1
2 Thermodynamic fundamentals .................................. 16
3 Mechanisms of oxidation ..................................... 39
4 Oxidation of pure metals .................................... 75
5 Oxidation of alloys ........................................ 101
6 Oxidation in oxidants other than oxygen .................... 163
7 Reactions of metals in mixed environments .................. 176
8 Hot corrosion .............................................. 205
9 Erosion-corrosion of metals in oxidizing atmospheres ....... 253
10 Protective coatings ........................................ 271
11 Atmosphere control for the protection of metals during
production processes ....................................... 306
Appendix A. Solution to Fick's second law for a semi-
infinite solid ................................. 323
Appendix B. Rigorous derivation of the kinetics of
internal oxidation ............................. 327
Appendix C. Effects of impurities on oxide defect
structures ..................................... 332
Index ...................................................... 336
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