Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ............................................... xvi
List of Abbreviations ....................................... xviii
1 The structural relationship between philosophy and
meditation ................................................... i
1.1 The standard description of liberation ................. 16
1.2 "Cessation of perception and feeling" .................. 32
1.3 Broader theoretical perspectives ....................... 40
1.4 Methodological considerations: which texts will be
relied on and why? ..................................... 50
2 A philosophy of being human ................................. 61
2.1 Did the Buddha eschew metaphysics? ..................... 64
2.2 Selflessness ........................................... 76
2.3 Dependent-origination (Paticcasamuppāda) ............... 86
2.4 Summary ............................................... 104
3 Mindfulness, or how philosophy becomes perception .......... 106
3.1 The Satipaṭṭhāna-sutta's presentation of mindfulness .. 112
3.2 On the relationship between the practice of
mindfulness and jhdna-meditztion ...................... 126
3.3 Summary ............................................... 134
4 The four noble truths as meditative perception ............. 136
4.1 This .................................................. 145
4.2 The four truths and dependent-origination ............. 158
4.3 The four truths and selflessness ...................... 164
4.4 The fourth truth of the path .......................... 172
4.5 The four observations and liberation .................. 179
4.6 The first sermon reconsidered ......................... 184
4.7 Summary ............................................... 187
5 Conclusion ................................................. 188
References .................................................... 193
Index ......................................................... 205