Zohm H. Magnetohydrodynamic stability of Tokamaks (Weinheim, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаZohm H. Magnetohydrodynamic stability of Tokamaks. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2015. - ix, 225 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.215-219. - Ind.: p.221-225. - ISBN 978-3-527-41232-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ IX

1  The MHD Equations ............................................ 1
   1.1  Derivation of the MHD Equations ......................... 1
        1.1.1  Multispecies MHD Equations ....................... 1
        1.1.2  One-Fluid Model of Magnetohydrodynamics .......... 4
        1.1.3  Validity of the One-Fluid Model of
               Magnetohydrodynamics ............................. 6
   1.2  Consequences of the MHD Equations ....................... 8
        1.2.1  Magnetic Flux Conservation ....................... 8
        1.2.2  MHD Equilibrium ................................. 10
        1.2.3  Magnetohydrodynamic Waves ....................... 11
  Compressional Alfven Waves .................. 12
  Shear Alfven Waves .......................... 13
2  MHD Equilibria in Fusion Plasmas ............................ 15
   2.1  Linear Configurations .................................. 15
        2.1.1  The z-Pinch ..................................... 18
        2.1.2  The Screw Pinch ................................. 18
   2.2  Toroidal Configurations ................................ 22
        2.2.1  The Tokamak ..................................... 23
  The Grad-Shafranov Equation ................. 23
  Circular Cross Section ...................... 27
  Arbitrary Cross Section ..................... 32
        2.2.1  A  The Straight Field Line Angle ................ 34
        2.2.2  The Stellarator ................................. 37
3  Linear Ideal MHD Stability Analysis ......................... 43
   3.1  Linear MHD Stability as an Initial Value Problem ....... 44
   3.2  The Energy Principle of Ideal MHD ...................... 47
   3.3  Forms of δW ............................................ 48
   3.4  The Ideal MHD Energy Principle for the Tokamak ......... 51
4  Current Driven Ideal MHD Modes in a Tokamak ................. 55
   4.1  Expression for δW in Tokamak Ordering .................. 55
   4.2  External Kinks in a Tokamak with β = 0 ................. 56
        4.2.1  Modes with m = 1 ................................ 56
        4.2.2  Modes with m ≥ 2 ................................ 58
   4.3  Internal Kink Modes .................................... 61
   4.4  n = 0 Modes: The Vertical Displacement Event (VDE) ..... 63
5  Pressure Driven Modes in a Tokamak .......................... 69
   5.1  Localized Interchange Modes in the Screw Pinch ......... 69
   5.2  Localized Pressure Driven Modes in the Tokamak ......... 72
        5.2.1  Interchange Modes in a Tokamak .................. 73
        5.2.2  Ballooning Modes ................................ 76
6  Combined Pressure and Current Driven Modes: Edge Localized
   Modes ....................................................... 83
   6.1  ELM Phenomenology ...................................... 84
   6.2  Linear Stability of the Pedestal ....................... 86
   6.3  Non-linear Evolution ................................... 90
        6.3.1  Non-linear Cycles ............................... 90
        6.3.2  Magnitude of the ELM Crash ...................... 92
        6.3.3  Timescale of the ELM Crash ...................... 94
   6.4  ELM Control ............................................ 94
        6.4.1  Small ELM Regimes ............................... 95
        6.4.2  Active ELM Control .............................. 97
7  Combined Pressure and Current Driven Modes: The Ideal β-
   Limit ...................................................... 103
   7.1  Tokamak Operational Scenarios ......................... 103
   7.2  External Kink Modes in a Tokamak with Finite β ........ 105
   7.3  The Effect of a Conducting Wall on External Kink
        Modes ................................................. 107
        7.3.1  Ideally Conducting Wall ........................ 107
        7.3.2  Resistive Wall ................................. 110
   7.4  The Resistive Wall Mode (RWM) ......................... 112
   7.5  The Troyon Limit ...................................... 118
8  Resistive MHD Stability .................................... 123
   8.1  Stability of Current Sheets ........................... 124
   8.2  Reconnection in the Presence of a Guide Field ......... 127
   8.3  Magnetic Islands in Tokamaks .......................... 134
   8.4  The Rutherford Equation ............................... 137
9  Current Driven ('classical') Tearing Modes in Tokamaks ..... 141
   9.1  Effect of Tearing Modes on Kinetic Profiles ........... 141
   9.2  Nonlinear Saturation .................................. 144
   9.3  Tearing Mode Rotation and Locking ..................... 146
        9.3.1  Rotation of Tearing Modes in Tokamaks .......... 146
        9.3.2  Locking of Pre-existing Magnetic Islands ....... 148
        9.3.3  Ab-initio Locked Modes ......................... 152
10 Disruptions ................................................ 159
   10.1 Phenomenology of Disruptions .......................... 159
        10.1.1 The Density Limit .............................. 161
   10.2 Consequences of Disruptions ........................... 165
        10.2.1 Thermal Loads .................................. 165
        10.2.2 Mechanical Loads ............................... 166
        10.2.3 Runaway Generation ............................. 168
   10.3 Disruption Avoidance and Mitigation ................... 171
11 M = 1 Modes beyond Ideal MHD: Sawteeth and Fishbones ....... 175
   11.1 The Sawtooth Instability .............................. 175
        11.1.1 Phenomenology .................................. 175
        11.1.2 Sawtooth Period and Onset Criterion ............ 176
        11.1.3 Models for the Sawtooth Crash .................. 181
   11.2 The Fishbone Instability .............................. 184
12 Tearing Modes in Finite β-Tokamaks ......................... 189
   12.1 The Modified Rutherford Equation ...................... 189
   12.2 The Neoclassical Tearing Mode (NTM) ................... 190
   12.3 Onset Criteria for NTMs ............................... 194
   12.4 Frequently Interrupted Regime (FIR) NTMs .............. 197
13 Control of Resistive MHD Instabilities by External
   Current Drive .............................................. 201
   13.1 Basic Properties of Localized Electron Cyclotron
        Current Drive (ECCD) .................................. 202
   13.2 Criteria for Control of Resistive Instabilities ....... 203
        13.2.1 Control by Changing the Equilibrium Current
               Density ........................................ 203
        13.2.2 Control by Generating Helical Currents ......... 206
   13.3 Sawtooth Control ...................................... 208
   13.4 Tearing Mode Control .................................. 211

References .................................................... 215
Index ......................................................... 221

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