Summary ......................................................... 5
Zusammenfassung ................................................. 7
Introduction ................................................... 11
1 Abiotic oxidation of Fe(II) by reactive nitrogen species
in cultures of the nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizer
Acidovorax sp. BoFeN1 - questioning the existence of
enzymatic Fe(II) oxidation .................................. 23
2 Potential role of nitrite for abiotic Fe(II) oxidation and
cell encrustation during nitrate reduction by denitrifying
bacteria .................................................... 43
3 Oxidation of Fe(II)-EDTA by nitrite and two nitrate-
reducing, Fe(II)-oxidizing Acidovorax strains ............... 73
4 Temperature dependence of Acidovorax strain BoFeNl
growth physiology, nitrite formation and Fe(II) oxidation ... 91
5 Influence of iron reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
on the magnetic susceptibility of magnetite ................ 111
6 Microbial redox cycling of magnetite by Fe(II)-oxidizing
and Fe(III)-reducing bacteria - impact on magnetization
and potential as an environmental biogeobattery ............ 123
7 Magnetite formation by the novel Fe(III)-reducing Geothrix
fermentans strain HradG1 isolated from a hydrocarbon-
contaminated sediment with increased magnetic
susceptibility ............................................. 147
8 Magnetic concentration through a depth sequence of
hydrocarbon contaminated sediments with fluctuating
groundwater level .......................................... 167
Discussion and Outlook ........................................ 187
Publications .................................................. 197
Statement of Personal Contribution ............................ 198
Acknowledgments & Curriculum vitae ............................ 199