Handbook of food analytical chemistry: water, proteins, enzymes, lipids, and carbohydrates (Hoboken, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHandbook of food analytical chemistry: water, proteins, enzymes, lipids, and carbohydrates / ed. R.E.Wtolstad et al. - Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience, 2005. - xv, 768 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind. at the end of the book. - ISBN 0-471-66378-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Foreword to Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry ..... xi
Contributors .................................................. xii

A   WATER ....................................................... 1
Al  Gravimetric Measurements of Water ........................... 5
    A1.1  Gravimetric Determination of Water by Drying and
          Weighing .............................................. 7
    A1.2  Karl Fischer Titration ............................... 13
    Al.3  Application of Low-Resolution NMR for Simultaneous
          Moisture and Oil Determination in Food (Oilseeds) .... 17
    A1.4  Traditional Indirect Methods for Estimation of
          Water Content: Measurement of °Brix .................. 29
A2  Vapor Pressure Measurements of Water ....................... 35
    A2.1  Factors to Consider When Estimating Water Vapor
          Pressure ............................................. 37
    A2.2  Dew-Point Method for the Determination of Water
          Activity ............................................. 41
    A2.3  Measurement of Water Activity Using Isopiestic
          Method ............................................... 51
    A2.4  Direct Manometric Determination of Vapor Pressure .... 61
    A2.5  Measurement of Water Activity by Electronic Sensors .. 67

В   PROTEINS ................................................... 71
Bl  Measurement of Protein Content ............................. 73
    В1.1  The Colorimetric Detection and Quantitation of
          Total Protein ........................................ 77
    В1.2  Determination of Total Nitrogen ..................... 105
    В1.3  Spectrophotometric Determination of Protein
          Concentration ....................................... 115
B2  Biochemical Compositional Analyses of Proteins ............ 123
    B2.1  Analyses of Protein Quality ......................... 125
    B2.2  Evaluation of the Progress of Protein Hydrolysis .... 141
B3  Characterization of Proteins .............................. 155
    B3.1  Electrophoresis Analysis ............................ 157
    B3.2  Electroblotting from Polyacrylamide Gels ............ 185
    В3.3  Detection of Proteins on Blot Membranes ............. 199
    B3.4  Immunoblot Detection ................................ 207
    В3.5  Determining the CD Spectrum of a Protein ............ 219
    B3.6  Determining the Fluorescence Spectrum of a Protein .. 245
В4  Purification of Proteins .................................. 267
    B4.1  Overview of Protein Purification and
          Characterization .................................... 269
    B4.2  Overview of Conventional Chromatography ............. 279
B5  Functionality of Proteins ................................. 289
    B5.1  Measurement of Functional Properties: Overview of
          Protein Functionality Testing ....................... 291
    B5.2  Measurement of Protein Hydrophobicity ............... 301
    B5.3  Water Retention Properties of Solid Foods ........... 315

C   ENZYMES ................................................... 325
CI  Strategies for Enzyme Activity Measurements ............... 329
    С1.1  Expression and Measurement of Enzyme Activity ....... 331
    С1.2  Detecting Enzyme Activity: A Case Study of
          Polygalacturonase ................................... 335
C2  Proteolytic Enzymes ....................................... 349
    C2.1  Activity Measurements of Proteinases Using
          Synthetic Substrates ................................ 351
    C2.2  Peptidase Activity Assays Using Protein Substrates .. 359
C3  Lipolytic Enzymes ......................................... 369
    C3.1  Lipase Assays ....................................... 371
C4  Oxidoreductases ........................................... 385
    C4.1  Polarographic and Spectrophotometric Assay of
          Diphenol Oxidases (Polyphenol Oxidase) .............. 387
    C4.2  Analysis of Lipoxygenase Activity and Products ...... 403

D   LIPIDS .................................................... 419
Dl  Lipid Composition ......................................... 423
    Dl.l  Extraction and Measurement of Total Lipids .......... 425
    D1.2  Analysis of Fatty Acids in Food Lipids .............. 437
    D1.3  Cholesterol ......................................... 453
    D1.4  Oil Quality Indices ................................. 467
    D1.5  Analysis of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols ............ 479
    D1.6  Quantitation of Lipid Classes by Thin-Layer
          Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection ...... 491
    D1.7  Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Total
          Trans Fatty Acids ................................... 505
D2  Lipid Oxidation/Stability ................................. 513
    D2.1  Measurement of Primary Lipid Oxidation Products ..... 515
    D2.2  Chromatographic Analysis of Secondary Lipid
          Oxidation Products .................................. 531
    D2.3  Assessment of Oxidative Stability for Lipids ........ 541
    D2.4  Spectrophotometric Measurement of Secondary Lipid
          Oxidation Products .................................. 547
D3  Physical Properties of Lipids ............................. 565
    D3.1  Determination of Solid Fat Content by Nuclear
          Magnetic Resonance .................................. 567
    D3.2  Lipid Crystal Characterization ...................... 575
    D3.3  Emulsion Droplet Size Determination ................. 581
    D3.4  Emulsion Stability Determination .................... 591
    D3.5  Key Concepts of Interfacial Properties in Food
          Chemistry ........................................... 609
    D3.6  Static and Dynamic Interfacial Tension Analysis ..... 631

E   CARBOHYDRATES ............................................. 647
El  Mono- and Oligosaccharides ................................ 651
    El.l  Colorimetric Quantification of Carbohydrates ........ 653
    El.2  HPLC of Mono- and Disaccharides Using Refractive
          Index Detection ..................................... 661
E2  Starch and Starch Derivatives ............................. 671
    E2.1  Overview of Laboratory Isolation of Starch from
          Plant Materials ..................................... 673
    E2.2  Enzymatic Quantitation of Total Starch in Plant
          Products ............................................ 679
    E2.3  Determination of Total Amylose Content of Starch .... 689
E3  Cell Wall Polysaccharides ................................. 695
    E3.1  Isolation of Plant Cell Walls and Fractionation
          of Cell Wall Polysaccharides ........................ 697
    E3.2  Determination of Neutral Sugars by Gas
          Chromatography of Their Alditol Acetates ............ 721
    E3.3  Determination of the Uronic Acid Content of Plant
          Cell Walls Using a Colorimetric Assay ............... 735
    E3.4  Determining the Degree of Methylation and
          Acetylation of Pectin ............................... 739
    E3.5  Quantitative Determination of Я-Glucan Content ...... 745

Index ......................................................... 757

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