Sarnthein Michael, Haug Gerald H., Bard Edouard,
Fischer Hubertus, Ilyina Tatiana, and Schulz Michael:
Introduction ................................................ 11
Programme ...................................................... 13
Extended Abstracts
Adkins Jess: Radiocarbon (and Other) Constraints on the
Transition from Glacial Maximum to the Holocene ............. 21
Anderson Robert F., Allen Katherine A., Yu Jimin, and
Sachs Julian R.: Ocean Stratification, Carbon Storage,
and Calcite Compensation throughout the Late Pleistocene
Glacial Cycles .............................................. 23
Bard Edouard: Variations of Sea-Surface 14C Reservoir Ages
(SSRA) and their Paleoclimatic Implications: From
a Chronometrie Problem to a New Paleoceanographic Proxy ..... 29
Bijma Jelle: Ocean Acidification - A Biogeological
Perspective ................................................. 35
Brook Ed, Bauska Thomas, and Mix Alan: Isotopic Constraints
on Greenhouse Gas Variability during the Last
Deglaciation from Blue Ice Archives ......................... 39
Brovkin Victor, and Ganopolski Andrey: The Role of the
Terrestrial Biosphere in CLIMBER-2 Simulations of the
Last 4 Glacial CO2 Cycles ................................... 43
Burke Andrea, Stewart Andrew L., Adkins Jess F., Ferrari
Raffaele, Jansen Malte F., Thompson Andrew F., and
Robinson Laura F.: Radiocarbon Constraints on Southern
Ocean Circulation ........................................... 49
Ciais Philippe, Zhu Dan, Peng Shushi, Wang Tao, Krinner
Gerhard, Zimov Sergei A., Tagliabue Alessandro, Cuntz
Matthias, Bopp Laurent, and Prentice Colin: An Attempt to
Quantify Terrestrial Carbon Storage during the Last
Glacial Maximum and the Implications for Deglaciation CO2
Changes ..................................................... 55
Fischer Hubertus, Schmitt Jochen, Schneider Robert, Eggleston
Sarah S., Joos Fortunat, Bauska Thomas K., Marcott
Shaun A., Brook Edward J., Köhler Peter, and Chappellaz
Jérôme: Latest Insights into Past Carbon Cycle Changes
from CO2 and δ13Catm ........................................ 59
Friedrich Tobias, and Timmermann Axel: Effects of Sea-Ice and
Ocean-Circulation Changes on Deglacial Deep-Ocean
Radiocarbon Trends .......................................... 65
Galbraith Eric D.: The Role of Air-Sea Disequilibrium in
Ocean Carbon Storage and its Isotopic Composition ........... 71
Ganopolski Andrey, and Brovkin Victor: The Last Four Glacial
CO2 Cycles Simulated with the CLIMBER-2 Model ............... 75
Grootes Pieter M., and Sarnthein Michael: Oceanic Reservoir
Ages, 14C Concentrations, and Carbon Dynamics (also in the
"Mistery Interval") ......................................... 81
Gruber Nicolas, Clement Dominic, Frölicher Thomas, Haumann
Alexander, and Landschützer Peter: The Global Ocean Carbon
Sink: Recent Trends and Variability ......................... 85
Hain Mathis P., Sigman Daniel M., and Haug Gerald H.:
Simulating Atmospheric Radiocarbon through Deglaciation ..... 89
Haug Gerald H., Studer Anja, Ren Abby, Serno Sascha, Jaccard
Samuel L., Martínez-García Alfredo, Anderson Robert F.,
Winckler Gisela, Gersonde Rainer, Tiedemann Ralf, and
Sigman Daniel М.: The Polar Oceans during the
Deglaciation ................................................ 93
Heimann Martin: Constraints on Global Climate-Carbon Cycle
Feedbacks on Interannual to Glacial Cycle Timescales ........ 97
Huang Enqing, Skinner Luke C., Mulitza Stefan, Paul André,
and Schulz Michael: Radiocarbon Distribution and
Radiocarbon-Based Circulation Age of the Atlantic Ocean
during the Last Glacial Maximum ............................ 101
Ilyina Tatiana: The Combined Effects of Changes in Ocean
Chemistry, Biology, and Hydrodynamics on Alkalinity ........ 107
Jaccard Samuel L., and Galbraith Eric D.: Deglacial Changes
in Ocean (De)Oxygenation ................................... 111
Joos Fortunat, Spahni Renato, Stocker Benjamin D. Roth,
Raphael Menviel, Laurie Eggleston, Sarah S. Fischer,
Hubertus and Schmitt Jochen: Mechanisms and Multi-Tracer
Fingerprints of Past Carbon Cycle Changes in the
Bern3D-LPX Model ........................................... 117
Jouzel Jean: Ice Core Records: Climate Reconstruction ......... 123
Kohfeld Karen E., and Chase Zanna: Using Paleo-Oceanographic
Data Synthesis to Test Ideas about Changes in Atmospheric
CO2 Concentrations during Glacial Inception ................ 127
Köhler Peter, Völker Christoph, Knorr Gregor, and Bard
Edouard: High Latitude Impacts on Deglacial CO2:
Southern Ocean Westerly Winds and Northern Hemisphere
Permafrost Thawing ......................................... 135
Lohmann Gerrit, Zhang Xu, and Knorr Gregor: Abrupt Climate
Change Experiments: The Bølling/Allerød Transition ......... 141
Marcott Shaun A., Brook Edward J., Bauska Thomas K., Rhodes
Rachael H., and Kalk Michael: Abrupt Changes in the
Global Carbon Cycle over the Past 70 ka .................... 149
Martínez-García Alfredo, Sigman Daniel M., Ren Haojia,
Anderson Robert F., Straub Marietta, Hodell David A.,
Jaccard Samuel L., Eglinton Timothy I., and Haug
Gerald H.: Iron Fertilization of the Subantarctic Ocean
during the Last Ice Age .................................... 151
McCave I. Nicholas: A Carbon Isotope Perspective on the
Glacial Circulation of the Deep Southwest Pacific .......... 155
Menviel Laurie, Spence Paul, Golledge Nick, and England
Matthew H.: Southern Ocean Overturning Role in Modulating
High Southern Latitude Climate and Atmospheric CO2 on
Millennial Timescales ...................................... 159
Mulitza Stefan, Chiessi Cristiano M., Lippold Jörg,
Lynch-Stieglitz, Jean Mackensen, Andreas Paul, André
Prange, Matthias Ramos, Rodrigo Portilho Cruz, Anna
Paula S., Schefuss Enno, Schwenk Tilmann, Schulz Michael,
Tiedemann Ralf, Voigt Ines, Werner Martin, and Zhang
Yancheng: Response of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean-
Atmosphere System to Deglacial Changes in Atlantic
Meridional Overturning ..................................... 167
Oschlies Andreas: Robustness and Uncertainties of Current
Marine Carbon Cycle Models ................................. 171
Paillard Didier: Glacial CO2 as a Key to the Glacial-
Interglacial Problem ....................................... 175
Paul André, Kurahashi-Nakamura Takasumi, Mulitza Stefan, and
Schulz Michael: Model-Based Reconstruction of the Marine
Carbon Cycle during the Last Glacial Maximum ............... 183
Rae James W.В., Foster Gavin L., Robinson Laura F., Ridgwell
Andy, and Adkins Jess F.: Signals of CO2 Destratification
from Boron Isotopes ........................................ 187
Raynaud Dominique, Parrenin Frederic, Martinerie Patricia,
Chappellaz Jérôme, and Landais Amaelle: The Ice Core
Record of CO2 - A Focus on the Climate/CO2 Phase
Relationship during Deglacial Transitions .................. 191
Ridgwell Andy: Are the Drabbest Proxies the 'Best'? Patterns
of Bulk CaCO3 and Glacial Carbon Storage ................... 195
Sarnthein Michael, Grootes Pieter M., Schneider Birgit, and
Wallmann Klaus: Benthic 14C Ventilation Ages Record
Changing Storage of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the
Abyssal Ocean .............................................. 197
Schmitt Jochen, Eggleston Sarah S., Joos Fortunat, and
Fischer Hubertus: Atmospheric δ13CO2 from Ice Cores: An
Overloaded Parameter ....................................... 201
Schmittner Andreas, and Lund David C.: Was the Early
Deglacial CO2 Rise Caused by a Reduction of the Atlantic
Overturning Circulation? ................................... 207
Schneider Birgit, and Sarnthein Michael: What is Shaping the
Δ14C-DIC Relationship in the Deep Ocean? ................... 211
Sigman Daniel M.: Taking Stock of the Hypotheses for Polar
Ocean Stratification and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
during the Last Ice Age .................................... 213
Skinner Luke C., Freeman Emma, Primeau François, and
Scrivner Adam E.: On the Glacial Ocean Circulation and
its Impact on the Global Radiocarbon and Carbon Cycles ..... 217
Thornalley David J.R.: Reconstructing Deglacial Circulation
Changes in the Northern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas:
Δ14С, δ13С, Temperature, and δ18OSW Evidence ............... 223
Tiedemann Ralf, Ronge Thomas A., Lamy Frank, Köhler Peter,
Frische Matthias, De Pol-Holz Ricardo, Pahnke Katharina,
Alloway Brent V., Wacker Lukas, and Southon John: New
Constraints on the Glacial Extent of the Pacific Carbon
Pool and its Deglacial Outgassing .......................... 229
Timmermann Axel, and Friedrich Tobias: Deglacial CO2/Climate
Feedbacks: Models, Myths, and Misconceptions ............... 235
Wallmann Klaus: Effects of Eustatic Sea-Level Change on
Atmospheric CO2 and Glacial Climate ........................ 241
Watson Andrew J., Vallis Geoffrey K., and Nikurashin Maxim:
Southern Ocean Overturning, Controlled by Wind or
Buoyancy Flux? Unterstanding the Link between Antarctic
Temperatures and Atmospheric CO2 ........................... 247
Yu Jimin: Deep Atlantic Carbon Sequestration and Atmospheric
CO2 Decline during the Last Glaciation ..................... 253
Balmer Sven, and Sarnthein Michael: Deglacial Surface-Water
Reservoir Ages from Key Positions in the Subtropical and
Tropical Atlantic .......................................... 259
Bereiter Bernhard, Eggleston Sarah S., Schmitt Jochen,
Nehrbass-Ahles Christoph, Stocker Thomas F., Fischer
Hubertus, Kipfstuhl Sepp, and Chappellaz Jérôme: Revision
of the EPICA Dome С CO2 Record from 800 to 600 kа ВР ....... 261
Cartapanis Olivier, Bianchi Daniele, and Galbraith Eric:
A Comprehensive Database for the Most Commonly Measured
Paleoceanographic Proxies: Evaluating Global Organic
Carbon Burial Variations over the Last Glacial Cycle ....... 265
Eggleston Sarah S., Schmitt Jochen, Joos Fortunat, and
Fischer Hubertus: Comparison of [CO2] and δ13Catm
Measurements from Antarctic Ice Cores during Marine
Isotope Stages 2 and 4 ..................................... 269
Ferrer-Gonzalez Miriam, and Ilyina Tatiana: Mitigation
Potential, Risks, and Side-Effects of Ocean Alkalinity
Enhancement ................................................ 275
Freeman Emma, and Skinner Luke C.: Radiocarbon Evidence of
Ocean Circulation Change over the Last Deglaciation ........ 279
Gao Pan, Zhou Liping, Xu Xiaomei, and Liu Kexin:
Characterizing Deep Circulation in the Northeast South
China Sea Using Dissolved Inorganic Radiocarbon ............ 283
Graham Robert M., Boer Agatha M., de Kohfeld Karen E., and
Schlosser Christian: What Caused Enhanced Export
Production in the Sub-Antarctic Zone during Glacial
Intervals? ................................................. 291
Hasenfratz Adam P., Martínez-García Alfredo, Jaccard
Samuel L., Hodell David A., Vance Derek, Bernasconi
Stefano, Greaves Mervyn, Kleiven Helga (Kikki) F., and
Haug Gerald H.: Paleoceanographic Evolution of the
Atlantic Sector of the Antarctic Southern Ocean across
the Mid-Pleistocene Transition ............................. 297
Heinze Mathias, and Ilyina Tatiana: Effects of Changing
Ocean Circulation on the Marine Carbon Cycle during the
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ........................... 301
Keul Nina, Langer Gerald, Nooijer Lennart de, Nehrke Gernot,
Reichart Gert Jan, Bijma Jelle, and Schneider Ralph: New
Carbonate System Proxies: Foram Culturing and Pteropod
Potentials ................................................. 305
Krandick Annegret, Paul André, Marshall Shawn J., and Schulz
Michael: Sensitivity of Open-Ocean Convection to Ice
Sheet Melting: A Regional Modelling Approach ............... 311
Kuehn Hartmut, Lembke-Jene Lester, Gersonde Rainer, Esper
Oliver, Lamy Frank, Arz Helge, Kuhn Gerhard, and
Tiedemann Ralf: Deglacial History of the Subarctic North
Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone - Implications for Ocean
Dynamics ................................................... 315
Ödalen Malin, Nycander Jonas, Oliver Kevin, Nilsson Johan,
and Brodeau Laurent: Maximum Drawdown of Atmospheric CO2
due to Biological Uptake in the Ocean ...................... 321
Qian Na, Zhou Liping, and Gao Pan: New Data of DIC
Radiocarbon in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean ......... 327
Repschläger Janne, Weinelt Mara, Andersen Nils,
Garbe-Schönberg Dieter, and Schneider Ralph: Northern
Source for Deglacial and Holocene Deep Water Composition
Changes in the Eastern North Atlantic Basin ................ 331
Völpel Rike, Paul André, Krandick Annegret, Mulitza Stefan,
and Schulz Michael: Implementing Water Isotopes in the
MIT Ocean General Circulation Model (MITgcm) ............... 337
Xu Xu, Schneider Birgit, and Park Wonsun: Simulating
Holocene Variations of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
Oxygen Minimum Zone ........................................ 341
Zaehle Sönke, Singarayer Joy S., and Friedlingstein Pierre:
Changes in the Terrestrial Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
since the Last Glacial Maximum ............................. 345