1 Introduction ................................................. 5
2 Preliminaries ............................................... 13
2.1 Sobolev spaces ......................................... 13
2.2 Invertibility of Sobolev mappings ...................... 14
2.3 The Hardy space 1( ) ................................. 15
2.4 Jacobians of Sobolev mappings .......................... 17
2.5 VMO( ) and BMO( ) ..................................... 18
2.6 The Cauchy transform and the Beurling transform ........ 20
2.7 Commutators ............................................ 21
2.8 An equivalent norm in BMO( ) ........................... 22
2.9 Banach spaces .......................................... 24
3 The Jacobian Equation with Radial Data ...................... 26
3.1 Radial stretchings as solutions ........................ 26
3.2 Generalized radially symmetric solutions ............... 31
4 Energy-Minimal Solutions and Lagrange Multipliers ........... 35
4.1 Energy-minimal solutions ............................... 35
4.2 Lagrange multipliers ................................... 37
4.3 Operator theoretical treatment of Lagrange
multipliers ............................................ 38
5 On the Existence of Lagrange Multipliers .................... 39
5.1 The norm ||•|| bmos and Lagrange multipliers ........... 39
5.2 Lagrange multipliers in VMOS( ) ....................... 40
5.3 Characterizations of the norms ||•||BMOS and ||•||H1S ... 41
5.4 Connection to commutators ............................. 42
6 On the Class L2S ........................................... 44
6.1 Topological properties of {|S|2 - ||2 : ϵ L2S} ..... 44
6.2 Extreme points of H1S ................................. 45
6.3 The duality mapping D: VMOS → H1S ..................... 45
7 Local Study of Energy-Minimal Solutions and Lagrange
Multipliers ................................................. 48
7.1 Lagrange multipliers in a bounded domain ............... 48
7.2 Smooth, compactly supported Lagrange multipliers ....... 51
8 Behavior of Solutions in Domains Where the Jacobian
Vanishes .................................................... 54
8.1 The Hopf-Laplace equation .............................. 54
8.2 Harmonicity of solutions ............................... 56
8.3 Solution of a problem of Lou, Yang and Song ............ 58
References .................................................. 62