Zhumagulov B.T. The fluid dynamics of oil production (Milan, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаZhumagulov B.T. The fluid dynamics of oil production / Lavrentyev inst. of hydrodynamics, Engineering acad. of the Rep. of Kazakhstan. - Milan: [s. n.], 2003. - 305 p.: Ill. - Bibliogr.: p.293-305. - ISBN 9965-466-41-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 7

CHAPTER I. FLUID FLOW MODELS ................................... 15
1.0  Single-phase and two-phase fluid flow models .............. 18
2.0  The transformation of ML model equations .................. 33
3.0  The MLT model for the case of constant residual 
     saturation ................................................ 48
4.0  Non-isothermal flow of immiscible fluids with variable 
     residual saturations (the MLT model) ...................... 51
5.0  The combination of well and reservoir flows of viscous 
     incompressible fluids ..................................... 54
6.0  A formation flow model of waxy, high gas content oil
     displacement .............................................. 60
7.0  Formation flow of two immiscible inhomogeneous fluids ..... 63

TWO-PHASE FLOW ................................................. 68
1.0  Boundary-value problems for ordinary differential 
     equations ................................................. 70
2.0  Numerical and analytical methods of investigation of 
     thermal two-phase flow problems ........................... 81
3.0  Analytical problems of thermal two-phase flow in the 
     case of variable residual saturations ..................... 96
4.0  The qualitative properties of analytical MLT model 
     solutions ................................................ 107
5.0  An analytical solution of flow equations for two 
     non-linear viscous fluids ................................ 125
6.0  Validation of the use of a specific approximate method 
     in two-phase non-isothermal flow ......................... 133
7.0  Combination of the principal models of two-phase fluid
     flow ..................................................... 139
8.0  One-dimensional flow of two interpenetrating viscous
     incompressible fluids .................................... 152

FLOW DYNAMICS ................................................. 168
1.0  Convergence of finite-difference schemes for a Navier-
     Stokes model with velocity - pressure variables .......... 170
2.0  Numerical realization of Navier-Stokes model in 
     multiply connected domain in velocity - flow function
     variables ................................................ 190
3.0  Implementing the method of splitting into underlying 
     physical processes in complex geometrical regions ........ 204
4.0  Numerical simulation of the oil displacement process 
     based of N.E. Zhukovsky model ............................ 216
5.0  Numerical model to find formation pressure ............... 223
6.0  Convective warm-up of an inhomogeneous porous medium ..... 236
7.0  The splitting of physical processes under non-
     isothermal two-phase fluid flow in a porous medium ....... 245
8.0  Flow of two immiscible inhomogeneous fluids in porous 
     media .................................................... 254
9.0  Numerical solution of the problem of two-dimensional 
     two-phase flow ........................................... 262
10.0 Geological and mathematical models of the reservoir ...... 271

References .................................................... 293

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