Soil processes and the carbon cycle (Boca Raton, 1998). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSoil processes and the carbon cycle / ed. by R.Lal et al. - Boca Raton: CRC, 1998. - 609 p.: Ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 0-8493-7441-3

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Оглавление / Contents

Chapter 1. Pedospheric Processes and the Carbon Cycle ........... 1
A. Lal, J. Kimble, and R. Follett


Chapter 2. Stocks and Dynamics of Soil Carbon Following 
Deforestation for Pasture in Rondonia ........................... 9
Christopher Neill, Carlos Cerri, Jerry M. Melillo, Brigitte 
J. Feigl, Paul A. Steudler, Jener F.L. Moraes, and Marisa
C. Piccolo

Chapter 3. Spatial Patterns in Soil Organic Carbon Pool Size
in the Northwestern United States .............................. 29
Jeffrey S. Kern, David P. Turner, and R.F. Dodson

Chapter 4. Organic Carbon in Deep Alluvium in Southeast
Nebraska and Northeast Kansas .................................. 45
R.B. Grossman, D.H. Harms, M.S. Kuzila, S.A. Glaum, 
S.L. Hartung, and J.K Fortner

Chapter 5. Soil Carbon Dynamics in Canadian Agroecosystems ..... 57
H.H. Janzen, C.A. Campbell, E.G. Gregorich, and B.H. Ellert

Chapter 6. The Amount of Organic Carbon in Various Soil 
Orders and Ecological Provinces in Canada ...................... 81
D. Tarnocai

Chapter 7. Canada's Soil Organic Carbon Database ............... 93
B. Lacelle

Chapter 8. Rate of Humus (Organic Carbon) Accumulation in 
Soils of Different Ecosystems ................................. 103
A. Gennadiyev

Chapter 9. Land Use and Soil Management Effects on Soil 
Organic Carbon Dynamics on Alfisols in Western Nigeria ........ 109
R. Lal

Chapter 10. Arctic Paleoecology and Soil Processes: 
Developing New Perspectives for Understanding Global Change ... 127
Wendy R. Eisner

Chapter 11. Soil Carbon Distribution in Nonacidic and Acidic
Tundra of Arctic Alaska ....................................... 143
J.G. Bockheim, D.A. Walker, and L.R. Everett

Chapter 12. Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter in Arctic
Ecosystems of Alaska .......................................... 157
C.L. Ping, G.J. Michaelson, W.M. Loya, R.J. Chandler, and
R.L. Malcolm


Chapter 13. Soil Structure and Organic Carbon: a Review ....... 169
B.D. Kay

Chapter 14. Dynamics of Soil Aggregation and С Sequestration .. 199
Denis A. Angers and Claire Chenu

Chapter 15. Soil Aggregate Stabilization and Carbon
Sequestration: Feedbacks Through Organo-Mineral Associations .. 207
J.D. Jastrow and R.M. Miller

Chapter 16. Impact of Variations in Granular Structures on 
С Sequestration in Two Alberta Mollisols ...................... 225
Z. Chen, S. Pawluk, and N.G. Juma

Chapter 17. A Model Linking Organic Matter Decomposition, 
Chemistry, and Aggregate Dynamics ............................. 245
J.A. Golchin, J.A. Baldock, and J.M. Oades

Chapter 18. Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics and Land Use in the 
Colombian Savannas: Aggregate Size Distribution ............... 267
W. Trujillo, E. Amezquita, M.J. Fisher, and R. Lal


Chapter 19. Dissolved Organic Carbon: Sources, Sinks, and 
Fluxes and Role in the Soil Carbon Cycle ...................... 281
T.R. Moore

Chapter 20. Geochemical History of Carbon on the Planet:
Implications for Soil Carbon Studies .......................... 293
D.Ye. Konyushkov

Chapter 21. Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Phosphorus and the 
Sequestering of Carbon ........................................ 315
F.L. Himes


Chapter 22. Management of Soil С by Manipulation of 
Microbial Metabolism: Daily vs. Pulsed С Additions ............ 321
D.C. Jans-Hammermeister, W.B. McGill, and R.C. Izaurralde

Chapter 23. Investigations to the Carbon and Nitrogen 
Dynamics of Different Long-Term Experiments by Means of 
Biological Soil Properties .................................... 335
A. Weigel, E.-M. Klimanek, M. Körschens, and St. Mercik

Chapter 24. Effect of Corn and Soybean Residues on Earthworm
Cast Carbon Content and Natural Abundance Isotope Signature ... 345
Dennis R. Linden and C. Edward Clapp


Chapter 25. Soil Organic Carbon Distribution in Aggregates 
and Primary Particle Fractions as Influenced by Erosion
Phases and Landscape Position ................................. 353
A.M. Bajracharya, R. Lal, and J.M. Kimble

Chapter 26. Carbon Storage in Eroded Soils after Five Years 
of Reclamation Techniques ..................................... 369
R.C. Izaurralde, M. Nyborg, E.D. Solberg, H.H. Janzen,
M.A. Arshad, S.S. Malhi, and M. Molina-Ayala


Chapter 27. Quantification of Soil Quality .................... 387
C.A. Seybold, M.J. Mausbach, D.L. Karlen, and H.H. Rogers

Chapter 28. Relationships Between Soil Organic Carbon and 
Soil Quality in Cropped and Rangeland Soils: The Importance
of Distribution, Composition, and Soil Biological Activity .... 405
Jeffrey E. Herrick and Michelle M. Wander

Chapter 29. Soil Quality Indices of Piedmont Sites under
Different Management Systems .................................. 427
Betty F. McQuaid and Gail L. Olson

Chapter 30. Impact of Carbon Sequestration on Functional
Indicators of Soil Quality as Influenced by Management in
Sustainable Agriculture ....................................... 435
C.M. Monreal, H. Dinel, M. Schnitzer, D.S. Gamble, and
V.O. Biederbeck


Chapter 31. Modeling Soil Carbon in Relation to Management
and Climate Change in Some Agroecosystems in the Central
North America ................................................. 459
Keith Paustian, Edward T. Elliott, and Kendrick Killian

Chapter 32. Predicting Soil Carbon in Mollisols Using Neural
Networks ...................................................... 473
Elissa R. Levine and Daniel Kimes

Chapter 33. A Retrospective Modeling Assessment of
Historical Changes in Soil Carbon and Impacts of 
Agricultural Development in Central U.S. A., 1900 to 1990 ..... 485
A.S. Patwardhan, A.S. Donigian Jr., R. V. Chinnaswamy, and 
Т.О. Barnwell

Chapter 34. Modeling Soil Carbon and Agricultural Practices
in the Central U.S.: An Update of Preliminary Study Results ... 499
A.S. Donigian, A.S. Patwardhan, R.V. Chinnaswamy, and 
Т.О. Barnwell

Chapter 35. Experimental Verification of Simulated Soil 
Organic Matter Pools .......................................... 519
Cynthia A. Cambardella

Chapter 36. Modeling Tillage and Surface Residue Effects on
С Storage under Ambient vs. Elevated CO2 and Temperature in
Ecosys ........................................................ 527
R.F. Grant, R.C. Izaurralde, M. Nyborg, S.S. Malhi, 
E.D. Solberg, and D. Jans Hammermeister


Chapter 37. Using Bulk Radiocarbon Measurements to Estimate 
Soil Organic Matter Turnover Times ............................ 549
K.G. Harrison

Chapter 38. Impacts of Climatic Change on Carbon Storage
Variations in African and Asian Deserts ....................... 561
E. Lioubimtseva

Chapter 39. Carbon Turnover in Different Climates and
Environments .................................................. 577
H.W. Scharpenseel and E.M. Pfeiffer


Chapter 40. Carbon Sequestration in Soil: Knowledge Gaps
Indicated by the Symposium Presentations ...................... 591
D.J. Greenland

Chapter 41. Knowledge Gaps and Researchable Priorities ........ 595
R. Lal, J. Kimble, andR Follett

Index ......................................................... 605

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