The major biogeochemical cycles and their interactions (Chichester; New York, 1983). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe major biogeochemical cycles and their interactions / ed. by B.Bolin, R.B Cook. - Chichester; New York: Wiley, 1983. - xxi, 532 p.: ill. - (SCOPE report / Scientific committee on problems of the environment; 21). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p. 527-532. - ISBN 0-471-10522-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... xv
   J.W.M. La Rivière
Preface ...................................................... xvii
List of Participants .......................................... xix

Chapter 1. Interactions of Biogeochemical Cycles
B. Bolin, P.J. Crutzen, P.M. Vitousek, R.G. Woodmansee,
E.D. Goldberg, and R.B. Cook
1.1  Global Biogeochemical Cycles and Man ....................... 1
1.2  Biological Processes and Interactions of Biogeochemical
     Cycles ..................................................... 3
1.3  The Atmosphere ............................................. 7
1.4  Terrestrial Ecosystems .................................... 17
1.5  The Freshwater System and Coastal Waters .................. 25
1.6  The Open Sea .............................................. 30
1.7  Conclusions ............................................... 33
References ..................................................... 35

Chapter 2. C, N, P, and S Cycles: Major Reservoirs and Fluxes
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 41
2.2  The Carbon Cycle .......................................... 41
     B. Bolin
2.3  The Nitrogen Cycle ........................................ 46
     T. Rosswall
2.4  The Phosphorus Cycle ...................................... 51
     J.E. Richey
2.5  The Sulphur Cycle ......................................... 56
     J.R. Freney, M.V. Ivanov, and H. Rodhe
References ..................................................... 61

Chapter 3. Atmospheric Interactions - Homogeneous Gas
Reactions of C, N, and S Containing Compounds
P.J. Crutzen
Abstract ....................................................... 67
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 67
3.2  Tropospheric Photochemistry ............................... 69
3.3  Stratospheric Photochemistry .............................. 85
3.4  The Most Important Carbon Compounds ....................... 89
3.5  The Most Important Nitrogen Compounds ..................... 92
3.6  The Most Important Sulphur Compounds ...................... 99
3.7  Conclusions .............................................. 102
References .................................................... 103
Comment to Chapter 3 .......................................... 112
J.E. Lovelock

Chapter 4. Heterogeneous Interactions of the C, N, and S
Cycles in  the Atmosphere: The Role of Aerosols and Clouds
G.S. Taylor, M.B. Baker, and R.J. Charlson
Abstract ...................................................... 115
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 116
4.2  General Nature of Interactions in Aerosols and Clouds .... 120
4.3  Possible Interactions .................................... 124
4.4  The System SO2, CO2, NH3, H2SO4, and H2O (liquid) ......... 126
4.5  Oxidation of S(IV) to S(VI) in Wet Particles ............. 131
4.6  Conclusions: Flux Relationships .......................... 136
References .................................................... 139

Chapter 5. Transport Processes in the Biogeochemical Cycles
of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur
W.A. Reiners
Abstract ...................................................... 143
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 143
5.2  Transport Processes ...................................... 144
5.3  Inter-biome Transport Via the Atmosphere ................. 163
5.4  Summarizing Conclusions .................................. 169
References .................................................... 171

Chapter 6. Interactions of Biogeochemical Cycles in Forest
J.M. Melillo and J.R. Gosz
Abstract ...................................................... 177
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 178
6.2  Element Ratios in Foliage and Litter ..................... 179
6.3  Carbon-Nutrient Interactions at the Ecosystem Level ...... 189
6.4  Element Interactions and the Global Carbon Cycle ......... 201
6.5  Phosphorus — 'The Master Element' ........................ 214
References .................................................... 217

Chapter 7.  The Effects of Deforestation on Air, Soil, and
P.M. Vitousek
Abstract ...................................................... 223
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 223
7.2  What is Deforestation? ................................... 224
7.3  The Effects of Deforestation ............................. 224
7.4  Rates of Response to Deforestation ....................... 235
7.5  Interactions of C, N, P, and S ........................... 236
7.6  Conclusions .............................................. 239
References .................................................... 240

Chapter 8. Interactions of Biogeochemical Cycles in
Grassland Ecosystems
J.W.B. Stewart, С.V. Cole, and D.G. Maynard
Abstract ...................................................... 247
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 247
8.2  Dynamics of Carbon and Nitrogen in Grassland Ecosystems .. 250
8.3  Dynamics of Carbon and Phosphorus in Grassland
     Ecosystems ............................................... 251
8.4  Dynamics of Carbon and Sulphur in Grassland Ecosystems ... 254
8.5  Interrelationships of Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, and
     Phosphorus ............................................... 260
8.6  Cycling Studies .......................................... 262
References .................................................... 265

Chapter 9.  Biogeochemical Aspects of Nutrient Cycle
Interactions in Soils and Organisms
W.B. McGill and E.K. Christie
Abstract ...................................................... 271
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 272
9.2  Specific Effects on Specific Cycles ...................... 272
9.3  Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phosphorus Stoichiometric
     Relationships ............................................ 280
9.4  Mineralization and Immobilization Relations .............. 283
9.5  Nutrient Distribution and Compartment Transfers .......... 288
9.6  Long Term Nutrient Cycles and Carbon Production .......... 291
9.7  Integration of the Cycles Through Soil Organic Matter .... 294
9.8  Conclusions .............................................. 296
References .................................................... 296

Chapter 10. A Conceptual Model for Interactions Among
Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus in Grasslands
H.W. Hunt, J.W.B. Stewart, and С.V. Cole
Abstract ...................................................... 303
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 304
10.2 Background and Review .................................... 305
10.3 Model Structure .......................................... 309
10.4 Tests of the Model ....................................... 320
References .................................................... 322

Chapter 11. Effect of Increased C, N, Р, and S on the Global
Storage of С
R.A. Houghton and G.M. Woodwell
Abstract ...................................................... 327
11.1 Introduction ............................................. 327
11.2 Direct Analyses .......................................... 328
11.3 Indirect Analyses Based on Limiting Factors .............. 329
11.4 Discussion ............................................... 337
11.5 Conclusions .............................................. 339
References .................................................... 340

Chapter 12. The Impact of Acid Deposition on the Cycles of
C, N, Р, and S
R.B. Cook
Abstract ...................................................... 345
12.1 Introduction ............................................. 345
12.2 Estimates of Global Hydrogen Ion Fluxes .................. 346
12.3 Discussion of Results from Acidification Experiments ..... 348
12.4 Discussion ............................................... 357
References .................................................... 360

Chapter 13. Interactions of C, N, Р, and S in River Systems:
A Biogeochemical Model
J.E. Richey
Abstract ...................................................... 365
13.1 Introduction ............................................. 366
13.2 A Biogeochemical Model of River Systems .................. 366
13.3 Role of Rivers in the Global Cycling of Elements ......... 375
13.4 Summary Statement ........................................ 379
References .................................................... 380

Chapter 14. Interactions in Estuaries and Coastal Waters
R. Wollast
Abstract ...................................................... 385
14.1 The River Input of Nutrients to the Ocean System ......... 385
14.2 Transfer of Matter through the Estuarine Zone ............ 389
14.3 Interactions of C,N, and Pin the Coastal Zone ............ 399
References .................................................... 405
Comment to Chapter 14: A Comment on the Behaviour of
Dissolved Organic
Carbon During Estuarine Mixing ................................ 408
J.D. Burton

Chapter 15. The Exchange of Biogeochemically Important Gases
Across the Air-Sea Interface
P.S. Liss
Abstract ...................................................... 411
15.1 Introduction ............................................. 411
15.2 Estimation of Air-Sea Gas Fluxes using the KAC Approach .. 412
15.3 Gas Fluxes Across the Air-Sea Interface .................. 414
15.4 Hydrogen ................................................. 414
15.5 Carbon ................................................... 416
15.6 Nitrogen ................................................. 419
15.7 Oxygen ................................................... 420
15.8 Sulphur .................................................. 421
15.9 Iodine ................................................... 423
References .................................................... 423

Chapter 16. Biogeochemical Cycles and the Air-Sea Exchange
of Aerosols
R.A. Duce
Abstract ...................................................... 427
16.1 Introduction ............................................. 427
16.2 Sea-to-Air Transport of Aerosols ......................... 428
16.3 Air-to-Sea Transport of Aerosols ......................... 430
16.4 Carbon ................................................... 434
16.5 Sulphur .................................................. 439
16.6 Phosphorus ............................................... 444
16.7 Nitrogen ................................................. 446
16.8 Conclusions .............................................. 451
References .................................................... 453
Comment to Chapter 16 ......................................... 457
R.J. Charlson

Chapter 17. Physical-Chemical Processes in the Open Ocean
M.E. Fiadeiro
Abstract ...................................................... 461
17.1 Introduction ............................................. 461
17.2 Circulation and Mixing ................................... 462
17.3 Sources and Sinks ........................................ 470
17.4 Conclusions .............................................. 473
References .................................................... 475

Chapter 18. Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface
B.B. Jørgensen
Abstract ...................................................... 477
18.1 Introduction ............................................. 477
18.2 Deposition of Organic Matter ............................. 479
18.3 Mineralization Processes ................................. 481
18.4 Nutrient Regeneration .................................... 489
18.5 Quantitative Aspects of Oxic Mineralization .............. 493
18.6 Quantitative Aspects of Anoxic Mineralization ............ 496
18.7 Regulating Mechanisms .................................... 501
18.8 Conclusions .............................................. 503
References .................................................... 503
Comment to Chapter 18: Cycling of Metabolizable C, N, P, and
S in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments ............................ 509
C.S. Martens and H.W. Jannasch

Chapter 19. Interactions Between the Carbon and Sulphur
Cycles in the Marine Environment
H.W. Jannasch
Abstract ...................................................... 517
19.1 Introduction ............................................. 517
19.2 Sulphate Reduction ....................................... 518
19.3 Sulphur Oxidation ........................................ 519
19.4 Hydrothermal Vents ....................................... 522
References .................................................... 523

Index ......................................................... 527

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