Kreher C., Elicki O. & Magnus M.:
Eine Foraminiferen-Mikrofauna aus der Oberkreide
des Ohmgebirges (NW-Thüringen): Morphotypen und
fazielle Relevanz.
A foraminiferan microfauna from the Late Cretaceous
of the Ohmgebirge Mountains (nw Thuringia):
morphotypes and facies relevance ............................. 1
Kononova L.I. & Weyer D.:
Upper Famennian conodonts from the Breternitz Member
(Upper Clymeniid Beds) of the Saalfeld region, Thuringia
(Germany) ................................................... 15
Licht M.:
- short communication -
Indications for a retreat area of small pycnodont fishes
from the Pteroceras
Layer (Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic) of Hanover (Lower
Saxony, NW-Germany) ......................................... 99
Gründel J. & Mitta V.:
Gastropoden aus dem Untercallovium des Unzha-Beckens
Gastropods from the Early Callovian of the Unzha Basin
(Central Russia) ........................................... 107
Alhejoj I. & Вandel K.:
Mollusks of the Pleistocene Al-Qarn Formation of the
Jordan Rift-Valley in Jordan ............................... 141