Meuser H. Soil remediation and rehabilitation: treatment of contaminated and disturbed land (Dordrecht, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMeuser H. Soil remediation and rehabilitation: treatment of contaminated and disturbed land. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. - xix, 406 p.: ill. - (Environmental pollution; 23). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.387-406. - ISBN 978-94-007-5750-9; ISSN 1566-0745

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   References ................................................... 3
2  Rehabilitation of Soils in Urban Environments ................ 5
   2.1  Brownfield Redevelopment ................................ 5
        2.1.1  Instrument of the Town Planning .................. 5
        2.1.2  Dealing with Contaminated Areas .................. 8
        2.1.3  Quality Criteria ................................ 11
   2.2  Environmentally Friendly Approaches .................... 13
        2.2.1  De-sealing ...................................... 13
        2.2.2  Rainwater Management ............................ 17
        2.2.3  Roof Planting ................................... 23
   2.3  Urban Mining ........................................... 25
        2.3.1  Shortage of Resources ........................... 25
        2.3.2  Potentials of Landfills ......................... 29
        2.3.3  Technique of Landfill Excavation ................ 33
   References .................................................. 35
3  Rehabilitation of Soils in Mining and Raw Material
   Extraction Areas ............................................ 37
   3.1  Open-Cast Coal Mines ................................... 38
        3.1.1  Examples of Open-Cast Mining Areas .............. 38
        3.1.2  Effects of Large-Scale Mining Operations ........ 39
        3.1.3  Agricultural Rehabilitation ..................... 43
        3.1.4  Silvicultural Rehabilitation .................... 51
        3.1.5  Creation of Nature Reserves ..................... 54
        3.1.6  Creation of Mining Lakes ........................ 55
   3.2  Mining Heaps ........................................... 59
        3.2.1  Coal Mining Heaps ............................... 59
        3.2.2  Salt Mining Heaps ............................... 69
        3.2.3  Metallic Ore Mining Heaps ....................... 77
   3.3  Quarries and Open Pit Mines ............................ 78
        3.3.1  Uncontaminated Quarries and Mining Pits ......... 81
        3.3.2  Contaminated Metallic Ore Mining Pits ........... 93
        3.3.3  Tailings ........................................ 96
   3.4  Subsided Mining Terrain ................................ 98
   3.5  Peatlands ............................................. 105
        3.5.1  Peat Harvesting ................................ 108
        3.5.2  Sphagnum Bog Restoration ....................... 110
        3.5.3  Wooded Peatland Restoration .................... 118
        3.5.4  Fen Restoration ................................ 121
   References ................................................. 123
4  Treatment of Contaminated Land ............................. 127
   4.1  Overview of Soil Remediation Measures ................. 127
        4.1.1  Containment and Decontamination Approaches ..... 127
        4.1.2  Immediate Response Action ...................... 129
   4.2  Site and Soil Management .............................. 130
        4.2.1  Site Management ................................ 130
        4.2.2  Excavation and Stockpiling ..................... 130
        4.2.3  Transportation ................................. 140
        4.2.4  Reuse of the Excavated Material and
               Backfilling .................................... 142
   4.3  Site Clearance Operation .............................. 148
        4.3.1  Selective Deconstraction ....................... 148
        4.3.2  Separation and Treatment of Hazardous
               Material ....................................... 152
   4.4  Working safety ........................................ 157
        4.4.1  Sources of Danger to Human Health .............. 157
        4.4.2  Safety Measures ................................ 158
   References ................................................. 161
5  Soil Containment ........................................... 163
   5.1  Surface Cover ......................................... 163
        5.1.1  Geotextile-Based and Bentonite-Based Cover
               Systems ........................................ 163
        5.1.2  Sealing ........................................ 175
   5.2  Side Barriers Installation and Encapsulation .......... 175
        5.2.1  Side Barriers .................................. 175
        5.2.2  Encapsulation .................................. 184
   5.3  Solidification ........................................ 187
        5.3.1  Cement-Based Solidification .................... 187
        5.3.2  Asphalt Batching ............................... 190
        5.3.3  Vitrification .................................. 191
   5.4  Stabilisation ......................................... 192
   References ................................................. 198
6  Soil Decontamination ....................................... 201
   6.1  Soil Preparation ...................................... 202
   6.2  Soil Washing .......................................... 206
        6.2.1  Technical Devices Used ......................... 206
        6.2.2  Required Soil Properties and Treatable
               Contaminants ................................... 213
        6.2.3  Solubilising Agents ............................ 217
   6.3  Bioremediation ........................................ 219
        6.3.1  Principles of Bioremediation ................... 219
        6.3.2  Kinetic of the Pollutant Degradation ........... 226
        6.3.3  Technical Devices Used ......................... 231
        6.3.4  Soil Properties Required ....................... 240
   6.4  Phytoremediation ...................................... 243
        6.4.1  Principles of Phytoremediation ................. 243
        6.4.2  Phytoextraction ................................ 244
        6.4.3  Phytodegradation ............................... 253
        6.4.4  Phytovolatilisation ............................ 255
        6.4.5  Phytostabilisation ............................. 256
   6.5  Thermal Treatment ..................................... 257
        6.5.1  Technical Devices Used ......................... 257
        6.5.2  Required Soil Properties and Treatable
               Contaminants ................................... 260
        6.5.3  Re-use of the Treated Material ................. 262
   6.6  Electrokinetic Remediation ............................ 268
        6.6.1  Technical Devices Used ......................... 268
        6.6.2  Treatable Contaminants ......................... 272
   6.7  Treatment Centres ..................................... 273
   References ................................................. 274
7  Groundwater, Soil Vapour and Surface Water Treatment ....... 279
   7.1  Groundwater Treatment ................................. 280
        7.1.1  Relevant Contaminants in Groundwater ........... 280
        7.1.2  Passive Groundwater Remediation ................ 282
        7.1.3  Pump-and-Treat System (P&T) .................... 283
        7.1.4  Aboveground Groundwater Purification ........... 291
        7.1.5  Air Stripping .................................. 294
        7.1.6  Enhanced Groundwater Remediation (Agent
               Infiltration) .................................. 294
        7.1.7  Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) and Funnel-
               and-Gate Systems (F&G) ......................... 304
        7.1.8  Air Sparging and Biosparging ................... 312
        7.1.9  Fracturing Technology .......................... 313
   7.2  Soil Vapour Treatment ................................. 314
        7.2.1  Relevant Contaminants .......................... 314
        7.2.2  Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE) ................... 314
        7.2.3  Aboveground Soil Vapour Purification ........... 318
        7.2.4  Bioventing ..................................... 319
        7.2.5  Steam Enhanced Extraction (SEE) ................ 320
        7.2.6  Multi-Phase Extraction (MPE) ................... 323
   7.3  Surface Water Restoration ............................. 324
        7.3.1  Lakes and Ponds ................................ 324
        7.3.2  Rivers ......................................... 332
   References ................................................. 344
8  Approaches Without Complex Technical Applications .......... 347
   8.1  Protective and Restrictive Measures ................... 347
   8.2  Natural Attenuation ................................... 349
        8.2.1  Definitions .................................... 349
        8.2.2  Contaminants to Be Treated ..................... 350
        8.2.3  Field of Application ........................... 355
   References ................................................. 356
9  Remediation Planning ....................................... 357
   9.1  General Aspects of the Planning Processes ............. 357
   9.2  Evaluation of the Feasibility for Soil
        Remediation Techniques ................................ 359
        9.2.1  Influence of Soil Properties ................... 359
        9.2.2  Influence of the Pollutant Composition ......... 362
        9.2.3  Consideration of the Soil Protection Factor .... 366
   9.3  Evaluation of the Feasibility for Groundwater
        Remediation Techniques ................................ 370
   9.4  Time and Cost Factor .................................. 370
   References ................................................. 381
10 Outlook .................................................... 383
   References ................................................. 386

Index ......................................................... 387

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