Gun'ko V.M. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of interfacial phenomena (Boca Raton, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGun'ko V.M. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of interfacial phenomena / V.M.Gun'ko, V.V.Turov. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2013. - xxvii, 1012 p.: ill. - (Surfactant science series; vol.154). - Bibliogr.: p.951-1003. - Ind.: p.1005-1012. - ISBN 978-1-4665-5168-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations .................................... xiii
Preface ..................................................... xxiii
Authors ....................................................... xxv
Introduction ................................................ xxvii

Chapter 1  Unmodified and Modified Silicas ...................... 1
1.1  Interfacial Phenomena at a Surface of Nanosilica ........... 1
     1.1.1  Structural and Adsorptive Characteristics of
            Nanosilicas ......................................... 1
     1.1.2  Adsorption of Water onto Nanosilica Dispersed in
            Gases and Organic Liquids .......................... 15
     1.1.3  Adsorption of CH4 in the Presence of Preadsorbed
            Water .............................................. 47
     1.1.4  Competitive Adsorption of Water and Low-Molecular-
            Weight Organics .................................... 62
     1.1.5  Adsorption of Ice Nucleators ....................... 75
     1.1.6  Aqueous Suspensions ............................... 106
     1.1.7  Adsorption of Dissolved Compounds ................. 126
     1.1.8  Effects of Surface Modification on Adsorption
            Phenomena ......................................... 147
     1.1.9  Mixtures of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Silicas ... 170
     1.1.10 Adsorption of Low- and High-Molecular Organic
            Compounds ......................................... 178
     1.1.11 Influences of Thermal, Hydrothermal, and
            Mechanical Treatments ............................. 200
     1.1.12 Cryoporometry and Relaxometry ..................... 227
     1.1.13 Comparison of NMR, DSC, TSDC, Adsorption Data,
            and Quantum Chemical Models ....................... 235
1.2  Silica Gels, Aerogels, Silochrome, and
     Poly(methylsiloxane): Structural, Interfacial and
     Adsorption Characteristics, and Structure-Property
     Relationships ............................................ 252
1.3  Interfacial Phenomena at Surfaces of Structurally
     Ordered Silicas .......................................... 296
1.4  Thin Films and Other Moieties on Silica Supports ......... 329

Chapter 2  Interfacial Phenomena at Surfaces of Mixed Oxides .. 339
2.1  Mixed Nanooxides ......................................... 339
     2.1.1  Surface Structure of Nanoparticles ................ 342
     2.1.2  Morphology, Structural Hierarchy, and Textural
            Characteristics of Powders ........................ 352
     2.1.3  Effects of Dispersion Media: Gaseous Phase
            and Aqueous Suspensions ........................... 369
     2.1.4  Adsorption Phenomena .............................. 376
2.2  Porous Oxides as a Function of Morphology ................ 418
2.3  Structurally Ordered Oxides .............................. 429
2.4  Nanocrystalline and Microcrystalline Materials ........... 432
2.5  Clays, Zeolites, and Other Natural Minerals .............. 436
     2.5.1  Silicalite ........................................ 436
     2.5.2  Influence of Al Content on Hydration of Zeolites
            of a ZSM-5 Type in Aqueous Suspension ............. 442
     2.5.3  Zeolites and Other Aluminosilicates ............... 445

Chapter 3  Interfacial Phenomena at Surfaces of Carbon
Materials ..................................................... 455
3.1  Texture of Carbonaceous Materials and Chemical Shift
     of Adsorbed Molecules .................................... 457
     3.1.1  Graphitized Materials ............................. 458
     3.1.2  Nongraphitized Carbonaceous Materials ............. 459
     3.1.3  Polar Sites on a Carbon Surface ................... 460
     3.1.4  Peculiarities of NMR Spectroscopy for Molecules
            Adsorbed on Carbon Surface ........................ 462
3.2  Activated Carbons ........................................ 463
     3.2.1  ACs Obtained from Natural Precursors .............. 464
     3.2.2  ACs Obtained from Synthetic Precursors ............ 477
    Location of Adsorbates in Porous Media ... 477
    Effect of Weakly Polar Organics on
                     Adsorbate Localization in Pores of ACs ... 489
3.3  Graphitized Carbons and Graphite ......................... 506
     3.3.1  Exfoliated Graphite ............................... 506
     3.3.2  Oxidized Graphite and Graphene .................... 509
     3.3.3  Intercalated Graphite ............................. 513
     3.3.4  Partly Graphitized AC ............................. 515
3.4  Carbon Nanotubes ......................................... 519

Chapter 4  Interfacial Phenomena at Carbon-Mineral
Composites .................................................... 523
4.1  Carbon Blacks ............................................ 524
4.2  Carbonized Silicas and Mixed Oxides ...................... 526
     4.2.1  Structure of Adsorption Sites on CS Composed
            of Nonporous Nanoparticles ........................ 543
     4.2.2  Ordered Layers of Water at a Surface of CS
            Composed of Nonporous Nanoparticles ............... 546
     4.2.3  Influence of the Degree of Carbonization on
            Hydration Parameters of Modified Porous Silica .... 549
     4.2.4  CS Modified with Zinc, Titanium, and Zirconium
            Oxides ............................................ 558

Chapter 5  Interfacial Phenomena at Polymer Surfaces .......... 579
5.1  Natural Polymers: Cellulose, Starch, Chitosan,
     Hyaluronic Acid, and Others .............................. 579
5.2  Synthetic Polymers ....................................... 600
     5.2.1  Structural Features of Polymer Adsorbent
            LiChrolut EN and Interfacial Behavior of Water
            and Water-Organic Mixtures ........................ 607
5.3  Hydrogels and Cryogels ................................... 619
5.4  Polymer-Nanooxide Systems ................................ 640
5.5  Polymers in Confined Space of Pores ...................... 648

Chapter 6  Interactions of Biomacromolecules with Water,
Organic Compounds, and Oxides, Polymers, and Carbon
Adsorbents .................................................... 659
6.1  Proteins ................................................. 659
6.2  Proteins in Adsorbed State ............................... 680
     6.2.1  Interactions of Proteins with Oxides .............. 680
     6.2.2  Interactions of Proteins with Carbon Materials .... 733
     6.2.3  Interactions of Proteins with Polymers ............ 740
6.3  DNA ...................................................... 750
6.4  Lipids ................................................... 772

Chapter 7  Water Associated with Bio-Objects: Cells and
Tissues ....................................................... 777
7.1  Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells ..................... 777
     7.1.1  Water Bound in Weakly and Strongly Hydrated
            Yeast S. cerevisiae Cells ......................... 780
     7.1.2  Structural and Energetic Differentiation of
            Water in Partially Dried Yeast Cells Affected
            by Organic Solvents ............................... 790
     7.1.3  Effect of Disperse Silica on Bound Water in
            Frozen Cellular Suspensions ....................... 799
     7.1.4  Effects of Nanosilica on Phase Equilibrium in
            Aqueous Suspensions of Yeast Cells and Gelatin .... 805
     7.1.5  Influence of Highly Disperse Materials on
            Physiological Activity of Yeast Cells ............. 807
7.2  Intracellular Water in Partially Dehydrated Bone Marrow
     Cells .................................................... 811
7.3  Freeze-Dried Bovine Gametes with Organic Additives ....... 820
7.4  Red Blood Cells .......................................... 824
7.5  Bone Tissue .............................................. 836
     7.5.1  WAW and SAW Bound in Bone Tissue .................. 836
     7.5.2  Characteristics of Water Bound in Human Bone
            Tissues Healthy and Affected by Osteoporosis ...... 841
     7.5.3  Self-Organization of Water-Organic Systems in
            Bone Tissue and Products of Its Chemical
            Degradation ....................................... 847
     7.5.4  Bone Tissue Models ................................ 855
7.6  Muscular Tissues ......................................... 860
     7.6.1  Chicken Muscular Tissue ........................... 860
     7.6.2  Effect of Dispersed Silica on Hydration of
            Forcemeat ......................................... 865
     7.6.3  Pork Meat and Fat ................................. 867
7.7  Intracellular Water and Cryopreservation ................. 869
     7.7.1  Water-DMSO Mixtures ............................... 869
     7.7.2  Clusterization of Water in Ternary Systems with
            DMSO or Acetonitrile and Chloroform ............... 872

Chapter 8  Interaction of Seeds, Herbs, and Related
Materials with Water and Nanooxides ........................... 877

Chapter 9  Recurring Trends in Adsorption, Spectroscopy,
and Other Interfacial Experiments ............................. 909

Chapter 10 Methods ............................................ 915
10.1 Low-Temperature 'H NMR Spectroscopy ...................... 915
10.2 Low-Temperature Nitrogen Adsorption ...................... 927
10.3 Adsorption of Water and Organics ......................... 932
10.4 Polymer and Protein Adsorption ........................... 934
10.5 Infrared Spectroscopy .................................... 934
10.6 Thermogravimetry ......................................... 935
10.7 Differential Scanning Calorimetry ........................ 935
10.8 Auger Electron Spectroscopy .............................. 935
10.9 Temperature-Programmed Desorption with Mass-
      Spectrometry Control .................................... 936
10.10 Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current ............. 937
10.11 Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy ...................... 939
10.12 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy ........................ 940
10.13 Rheometry ............................................... 941
10.14 Potentiometric Titration ................................ 942
10.15 Photon Correlation Spectroscopy ......................... 942
10.16 Adsorption of Metal Ions ................................ 944
10.17 X-Ray Diffraction ....................................... 944
10.18 Raman Spectroscopy ...................................... 945
10.19 AFM, SEM, and ТЕМ ....................................... 945
10.20 Quantum Chemistry ....................................... 946
10.21 Conclusions ............................................. 948

Acknowledgments ............................................... 950

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