Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy; vol.78 (Amsterdam, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual reports on NMR spectroscopy. Vol.78. - Amsterdam: Elsevier/AP, 2013. - ix, 269 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-0-12-404716-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. vii
Preface ........................................................ ix

1  Recent Advances of Solid-State NMR Studies on Zeolites ....... 1
   Shenhui Li and Feng Deng
   1  Introduction .............................................. 2
   2  Topology Structure of Zeolites ............................ 3
   3  Crystallization Mechanism of Zeolites ..................... 8
   4  Host-Guest Interactions in Zeolites ...................... 14
   5  Active Sites in Zeolites ................................. 18
   6  Reaction Mechanism Elucidation from In Situ NMR .......... 36
   7  Conclusion and Outlook ................................... 43
   Acknowledgements ............................................ 44
   References .................................................. 44
2  Applications of Projection NMR Techniques ................... 55
   Torsten Herrmann and Benedicte Elena-Herrmann
   1  Introduction ............................................. 56
   2  Principles of Projection NMR Spectroscopy ................ 57
   3  Applications of Projection Spectroscopy to Biomolecular
      NMR ...................................................... 68
   4  Applications to Solution NMR of Small Organic Molecules
      and Metabolic Profiling Investigations ................... 86
   5  Applications of Projections to High-Resolution Solid-
      State NMR Spectroscopy of Materials ...................... 89
   6  Conclusions .............................................. 96
   References .................................................. 97
3  Optical Atomic Magnetometry for Ultra-Low-Field
   NMR Detection .............................................. 103
   G. Bevilacqua, V. Biancalana, Y. Dancheva, and L. Moi
   1  Introduction ............................................ 104
   2  Generalities of OAMs .................................... 111
   3  Constructive and Operative Details of a Selected OAM .... 116
   4  Detection of Proton Precession .......................... 123
   5  Microtesla MRI .......................................... 131
   6  Zero- and Near-Zero-Field NMR with Labelled Molecules:
      Proton, 13CJ-J Coupling .................................. 134
   7  Improving the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in ULF-NMR: Merged
      Samples and Hyperpolarization Experiments ............... 138
   8  Conclusion .............................................. 140
   References ................................................. 140
4  NMR Studies of Molten Salt and Room Temperature Ionic
   Liquids .................................................... 149
   Anne-Laure Rollet and Catherine Bessada
   1  Introduction ............................................ 150
   2  Molten Salts ............................................ 151
   3  Room Temperature Ionic Liquids .......................... 169
   4  Conclusion .............................................. 199
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 200
   References ................................................. 200
5  Intermolecular Zero Quantum Coherence in NMR
   Spectroscopy ............................................... 209
   Yulan Lin, Yuqing Huang, Shuhui Cai, and Zhong Chen
   1  Introduction ............................................ 210
   2  Theoretical Frame for iZQC Signals ...................... 213
   3  ID High-Resolution iZQC Spectroscopic Techniques ........ 223
   4  2D High-Resolution iZQC Spectroscopic Techniques ........ 242
   5  In Vivo Application of iZQC Spectroscopic Techniques .... 247
   6  Conclusion .............................................. 253

Acknowledgements .............................................. 253
References .................................................... 253
Index ......................................................... 259

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