Forschungsbericht; 2014-022 (Koln, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKlüser L. Analysis of aerosol-cloud-interactions over semi-arid and arid sutropical land regions from three different satellite databasets (MODIS, AATSR/ENVISAT, IASI): Diss. … Math.- Naturwiss. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum, Oberpfaffenhofenc. - Köln: DLR, 2014. - 110 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2014-022). - Bibliogr.: p.96-109. - Пер. загл.: Анализ взаимодействий "аэрозоли-облака" над семиаридными и аридными субтропическими регионами на основе трех различных спутниковых массивов данных (MODIS, AATSR/ENVISAT, IASI). - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
List of figures ................................................. 6
List of tables .................................................. 9
1  Introduction ................................................ 11
2  Radiative transfer and remote sensing ....................... 15
3  Cloud physics and indirect Aerosol effects .................. 20
   3.1  Cloud microphysics ..................................... 20
   3.2  Aerosol effects on cloud droplet size .................. 20
   3.3  Aerosol effects on cloud optical depth and albedo ...... 22
   3.4  Different aerosol effects on cloud lifetime ............ 23
   3.5  Aerosol effects on cloud phase ......................... 25
   3.6  Indirect aerosol effects and climate ................... 26
4  Motivation and definition of analysis regions ............... 27
5  Data ........................................................ 29
   5.1  Aqua MODIS ............................................. 29
   5.2  ENVISAT ................................................ 30
   5.3  IASI ................................................... 32
6  New method for remote sensing of mineral dust and ice 
   clouds with IASI ............................................ 33
   6.1  Infrared optical properties of mineral dust ............ 33
   6.2  Principles of infrared dust remote sensing ............. 36
   6.3  New dust retrieval method for IASI ..................... 39
   6.4  Validation of dust AOD ................................. 53
   6.5  Application to ice clouds .............................. 56
7  Method for the quantification of indirect aerosol effects ... 59
8  Results ..................................................... 66
   8.1  Droplet size ........................................... 66
   8.2  Cloud optical depth .................................... 67
   8.3  Cloud lifetime ......................................... 71
9  Discussion .................................................. 76
   9.1  Relationships between aerosol and droplet size ......... 76
   9.2  Relationships between aerosol and cloud optical depth .. 78
   9.3  Cloud lifetime effects ................................. 83
   9.4  Relationships between aerosol and cloud phase .......... 87
10 Summary and Conclusions ..................................... 90
List of Symbols ................................................ 94
References ..................................................... 96

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