Granulation (Amsterdam; Oxford, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGranulation / ed. by A.D.Salman, M.J.Hounslow, J.P.K.Seville. - Amsterdam; Oxford: Elsevier, 2007. - xii, 1390 p.: ill. - (Handbook of powder technology; vol.11). - Пер. загл.: Гранулирование. - ISBN 978-0-444-51871-2; ISSN 0167-3785

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi

The Macro Scale I: Processing for Granulation
1  High Shear Granulation ....................................... 3
   Gavin K. Reynolds, Phung K. Le and Amol M. Nilpawar
2  Fluidized Bed Spray Granulation ............................. 21
   Lothar M&oum;rl, Stefan Heinrich and Mirko Peglow
3  Extrusion-Spheronisation ................................... 189
   D. Ian Wilson and Sarah L. Rough
4  Drum Granulation Processes ................................. 219
   Gavin M. Walker
5  Roll Pressing .............................................. 255
   Pierre Guigon, Olivier Simon, Khashayar Saleh, Gururajan
   Bindhumadhavan, Michael J. Adams and Jonathan P.K. Seville
6  Dry Granulation ............................................ 289
   Kazuo Nishii and Masayuki Horio
7  Coating and Encapsulation Processes in Powder Technology ... 323
   Khashayar Saleh and Pierre Guigon
8  Modelling of Pan-Coating Processes for Pharmaceutical 
   Dosage Forms ............................................... 377
   Preetanshu Pandey, Yo'ngxin Song and Richard Turton
9  Granulation Equipment ...................................... 417
   Michael Jacob
10 Online Monitoring .......................................... 477
   Satoru Watano
11 Process Systems Engineering Applied to Granulation ......... 499
   I.T. Cameron and F.Y. Wang

The Macro Scale II: Applications
12 Agglomeration of Enzymes, Micro-organisms and Flavours ..... 555
   Gabrie M.H. Meesters
13 Agglomeration of Dehydrated Consumer Foods ................. 591
   Stefan Palzer
14 Detergent Granulation ...................................... 673
   Renee Boerefijn, Prasanna-Rao Dontula and Reinhard Kohlus
15 Granulation Process Control - Production of
   Pharmaceutical Granules: The Classical Batch Concept and 
   the Problem of Scale-Up .................................... 705
   Hans Leuenberger and Gabriele Betz
16 Tabletting ................................................. 735
   Kendal Pitt and Csaba Sinka
17 Direct Peptization of Pharmaceutical Pellets in Fluid-Bed
   Processes .................................................. 779
   Peter Kleinebudde and Klaus Knop

The Meso Scale: Mechanistic Description
18 Shear-Induced Dispersion of Particle Agglomerates .......... 815
   D.L. Feke
19 Scale-Up of High-Shear Binder-Agglomeration Processes ...... 853
   Paul Mort
20 Granulation Rate Processes ................................. 897
   K.P. Hapgood, S.M. Iveson, J.D. Litster and L.X. Liu
21 Breakage in Granulation .................................... 979
   Agba D. Salman, Gavin K. Reynolds, Hong Sing Tan, Ian
   Gabbott and Michael J. Hounslow
22 Fluidisation of Cohesive Particles ........................ 1041
   Jonathan P.K. Seville
23 Multi-Level Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for the
   Description of Particle Mixing and Granulation in 
   Fluidized Beds ............................................ 1071
   M. van Sint Annaland, N.G. Deen and J.A.M. Kuipers
24 Population Balance Modelling of Granulation ............... 1109
   Thomas Abberger

The Micro Scale: Granules and Smaller
25 Granule Structure ......................................... 1189
   Daniel Barrera-Medrano, Agba D. Salman, Gavin
   K. Reynolds and Michael J. Hounslow
26 Morphology and Strength Development in Solid and 
   Solidifying Interparticle Bridges in Granules of 
   Pharmaceutical Powders .................................... 1213
   G.I. Tardos, L. Farber, D. Bika and J.N. Michaels
27 Liquid Bridges in Granules ................................ 1257
   Stefaan J.R. Simons
28 Pendular Capillary Bridges ................................ 1317
   Christopher D. Willett, Simon A. Johnson, Michael 
   J. Adams and Jonathan P.K. Seville
29 Sub-Granule Scale Modelling ............................... 1353
   František Štěpánek

Subject Index ................................................ 1379

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