Stroev S.A. The role of endogenous protein antioxidants in neuronal adaption to hypobaric hypoxia (Tampere, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStroev S.A. The role of endogenous protein antioxidants in neuronal adaption to hypobaric hypoxia. - Tampere: Tampere University Press, 2013. - 159 p.: ill., 69 p. in various numb. - (Acta Universitatis Tamperensis; 1898). - Ref.: p.118-158. - ISBN 978-951-44-9353-9; ISSN 1455-1616

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Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ 4
Tiivistelmä (in Finnish) ........................................ 5
Аннотация (in Russian) .......................................... 6
Table of contents ............................................... 8
List of abbreviations .......................................... 10
List of original publications .................................. 12
1  Introduction ................................................ 14
2  Review of the literature .................................... 16
   2.1  Hypoxia: experimental models ........................... 16
   2.2  Free radicals and oxidative stress ..................... 17
   2.3  The role of oxidative stress in the induction of
        nerve cell damage ...................................... 19
   2.4  The role of intracellular antioxidants in molecular
        mechanisms of neuroprotection .......................... 25
        2.4.1  Thioredoxins .................................... 27
        2.4.2  Superoxide dismutases ........................... 36
   2.5  Hypobaric hypoxia ...................................... 43
   2.6  Preconditioning ........................................ 45
3  Aims of the study ........................................... 53
4  Materials and methods ....................................... 54
   4.1  Animals ................................................ 54
   4.2  Hypoxia procedures ..................................... 54
   4.3  Determination of Cu, Zn-SOD enzyme activity ............ 55
   4.4  Immunocytochemical analysis of protein expression ...... 57
   4.5  Statistical analysis of the data ....................... 63
5  Results ..................................................... 64
   5.1  Cu, Zn-SOD enzyme activity ............................. 64
   5.2  Effects of non- and preconditioned severe hypobaric
        hypoxia on the expression of antioxidants .............. 65
        5.2.1  Effect of non-preconditioned severe hypoxia
               compared with the control ....................... 70
        5.2.2  Effect of preconditioned severe hypobaric
               hypoxia compared with the control ............... 72
        5.2.3  Effect of preconditioning with 3 sessions of
               mild hypobaric hypoxia after subsequent severe
               hypoxia compared with non-preconditioning ....... 75
   5.3  Effect of 3 sessions and 1  session of mild hypobaric
        hypoxia (preconditioning itself without severe
        hypoxia) on the expression of antioxidants ............. 77
        5.3.1  Effect of 3 sessions of mild hypoxia ............ 82
        5.3.2  Effect of 1 session of mild hypoxia ............. 84
        5.3.3  Effect of 3 sessions of mild hypoxia compared
               with the effect of 1 session of mild hypoxia .... 87
6  Discussion .................................................. 90
   6.1  The effect of non-preconditioned severe hypoxia on
        the expression of antioxidant proteins ................. 90
   6.2  The effect of preconditioning on the expression of
        antioxidant proteins after severe hypoxia .............. 94
   6.3  The effect of 3 sessions of mild hypoxia on the
        expression of antioxidant proteins ..................... 98
   6.4  The effect of 1  session of mild hypoxia on the
        expression of antioxidant proteins .................... 101
   6.5  The effect of non- and preconditioned severe hypoxia
        on the enzymatic activity of Cu, Zn-SOD ............... 102
   6.6  Protein and  mRNA expression of antioxidants after
        non- and preconditioned severe hypoxia ................ 104
   6.7  Methodological limitations of the research and
        future directions ..................................... 106
   6.8  Summary ............................................... 107
7  Conclusions ................................................ 109
Acknowledgements .............................................. 1ll
References .................................................... 118
Original publications ......................................... 159

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